Breastfeeding Twins

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Lil' E, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. Lil' E

    Lil' E New Member

    I planned on breast feeding my twins when they come, but with twins commonly being born with a little lower than average weight and with the chance of breast feeding causing the babies to drop in weight should I completely forget about breastfeeding or is being ready with formula ok?
  2. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    Go ahead and give breastfeeding a try if that is what you want to do! For your peace of mind have some formula at hand and think about pumping to boost your supply.

    Breastfeeding twins is possible. There are several moms here on TS who did so successfully. I ended up nursing my twins for 18 months but I would never have believed it in the beginning: One of my twins did not weigh much and was not a good nurser in the beginning, so I supplemented her with formula for three months while I built my milk supply. I often tandem nursed so her twin who nursed like he had never done anything else from the beginning could trigger the let-down for both of them and encourage her that nursing is worth the effort. By the time she was 3 months old I was exclusively breastfeeding both of them - she was better and stronger at nursing and I had enough milk for both of them.
  3. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree-give it a shot! It can totally be done :) and if you have any questions or concerns along the way we are all happy to help!
  4. nadine

    nadine New Member

    Definitely try breastfeeding first! My twin girls were only 2kg each at birth, but gained weight well and I managed to breastfeed them until they turned one. I did have hot flushes whilst feeding them both at the same time which was weird. Hormone overload!!!
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    YES! My twins never got a lick of formula. They were about 7.5 lbs each, born at 38 weeks. At first, it is a struggle, but we worked through it (breastfeeding was very important to me). I weaned them at 26 months when I was pregnant with their little brother. This website was a huge help for me! Twinstuff is a great support system!
  6. cutesausage

    cutesausage New Member

    My twins are the same.
  7. You just have to keep breast milk healthy, and take proper diet so that with the quality, quantity of milk also gets increased.
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