Breastfeeding supplies

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by nerdgirl, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. nerdgirl

    nerdgirl Active Member

    With my singletons, I used a Boppy and a regular gilder - no fuss, and it worked. This time, I'm hoping to tandem feed, so I'm getting the feeling that I'll need a bigger pillow and chair. However, some people seem to get away without either.

    What worked best for you in BFing your twins? I'm thinking I'll need a twin nursing pillow of some type and possibly a recliner (La-Z-Boy type thing), or are the regular gliders wide enough to nurse twins? Or did you just pile up regular pillows around you on the bed and go that way? I no longer have my glider or nursing pillow, so I need to make a choice of what to buy. Thanks!
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This was my setup.... It's a chair and a half (gliders/rockers weren't big enough) and the EZ 2 Nurse pillow. I would check out twins sales nearby as that pillow was $5 used. :)
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was going to suggest a bigger chair, or a loveseat. I used a loveseat, and had a single My Brest Friend nursing pillow which worked great while they were smaller. But if you can find a used twin pillow would probably be best.
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our local twins club loans nursing pillows so that's another option to look into. I used the EZ2 Nurse pillow & nursed on our couch. As the girls got older (heavier & mobile) we moved to the floor.
  5. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I personally never cared for the ez nurse pillow. For tandem nursing I sat in my overstuffed recliner and tucked a couple extra pillows under the babies.
  6. Bumbleebee82

    Bumbleebee82 Active Member

    I have the TwinZ Nursing Pillow. It's amazing!!! I love it to death!! It can be used for SO MANY different things other than just nursing so you will get SO much use out of it, even after they are done nursing. Check out their website. Read the testimonials (I have one about half way down with 3 pictures !)... It's the best thing I have to breastfeed my girls... I can't say enough about it!!!

    As for the chair, I can't imagine a chair wide enough to use it, but I use my love seat. You don't need any more pillows.
  7. twinkatsmommie

    twinkatsmommie Active Member

    does anyone have suggestions on breast bumps?
  8. Bumbleebee82

    Bumbleebee82 Active Member

    Random, but... THOSE BABIES ARE SOOO CUTE!!! lol
  9. Mom2VLS

    Mom2VLS Well-Known Member

    If you are going to be pumping a significant amount, I would definitely go for a double electric no matter which brand you get. I got the Medela Pump-In-Style when I returned to work after my daughter was born and plan on using it again with the twins. I never had any problems with it and while the price tag was pretty steep, I knew I would get plenty of use out of it (I knew I wanted to give my daughter breastmilk past the first year and that there would most likely be subsequent pregnancies to use it with - just didn't know there would be twins!). That being said, you can always rent a hospital grade pump from the hospital or some pharmacies instead of buying to help mitigate the cost and make sure that it's the right pump for you.
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