Breaking babies of binks

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MuchFaith22, Oct 5, 2009.

  1. MuchFaith22

    MuchFaith22 Well-Known Member

    I just put my kids down for a nap...they are almost 14 months. They usually only have their binks for sleeping, and car rides. Evann is more attached to his, so if he sees it, he thinks he needs it...but if it's out of sight, out of mind. Hannah really doesn't need hers but to go to sleep, not even really in the car.

    Well, I've had a frustrating day, daddy is sick, so not helping at all, and didn't put them down for a nap while he was watching them while I had a dentist appointment, so they melted when I got home. In my frustration, I quit looking for the lost binks, and put them in their cribs anyways. Hannah cried for about 10-15 mins, maybe, and I haven't heard her since. Evann is still crying though, so it's been 20 minutes...he started screaming, but he's slowed down a bit now.

    I *HATE* hearing them cry like that. I am not used to it. They are usually very good about naps and sleeping, lay them down and walk out, and they are fine. Hannah sometimes cries for a minute, but that's it.

    Poor Evann....he's so attached to his bink, he'll stop for a second, and then cry, stop and then cry, still. I have a feeling it's going to be much worse for him to go without than her. Should I keep him on his? I figured I'd do them at the same time...

    I need advice, or just encouragement even!!

    ETA - I just went and got Evann. Brought him down, changed his diaper, and found his Bink. I asked, where's your bink? and he darted for the kitchen (I assumed, because the gate was down), and I said, Evann (cause he knows he not to go in the kitchen, usually), and he started crying again. Little did I know, his bink was in his high chair! :p Gave it to him, and took him back up to bed...he cried when I laid him down, but he stopped as I met the bottom of the stairs. Quiet now.

    Hannah... :) Looks like she had fallen asleep sitting up, and her upper half just bent right over to the bed, and she's sleeping. AWWW.
  2. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I just went through this myself. She actually did great the first few nights, but we got her an Elmo she became attached to. Since then, she could care less about Elmo. I have had to let her CIO a few times. Just be strong and give yourself a few days and they'll never remember they had them.
  3. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    I have no advice...we are going to go down this road someday, thank you for sharing your experience! Ryan is soooo attached! We also only use it when it's sleep time, and that's the only time he asks for it. I am pretty strict about naps and bedtime too, so I'm not used to hearing the crying, it's so hard! The first thing he does when he wakes up in the morning is reach for his binky...I'm really nervous about the day it goes by by...he has a girff (lovey) that he loves too, but I'm pretty sure he needs/wants both!

    Update and let us know how it's going! good luck!!
  4. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    My LOs are 16 months old and I was thinking about getting rid of their dummies (i.e. pacifiers). Since they only have them for naps & car rides, I figure I would fight that battle later on. Both have a blankie they are attached too also but Im not concerned about that. Mine recently started a new routine and nursery hence me deciding to leave it for a later date. GL & I hope you´re able to wean Evann off of his. I´d definitely wean them both otherwise you could have Hannah stealing her brother´s and be back at square one again!

    edited for typos
  5. tburke75

    tburke75 Well-Known Member

    I wish I had advice to give, but I am going through the same thing! Mine used to only use their binks for naps and car rides, but recently they have been refusing to stay in stroller, so I started to give them binkies when I take them out. Yesterday I took them to the fair and Abby dropped her binky on the ground with straw/hay and goats everywhere. I usually am not a germ freak, but that was just gross and she screamed and screamed for it. I feel like now that I let them have their binkies in the stroller they are constantly throwing them out and we loose them. I had to stop at CVS on the way home to buy more because they NEED them in the car. I was in CVS with them and of course Abby fussed until I gave her the binky. I am so ready to be done with them!!! By them I mean the binkies lol! Good luck and I will be waiting to see what happens!
  6. Carrie27

    Carrie27 Well-Known Member

    My daughter had no problem with it, just stopped giving it to her. My son, we stopped and then he started screaming for at least 20 minutes a night when we put him to bed, and we couldn't handle it so we caved and gave it back to him. He only has been taking it at night, though, so that I think we are slowly getting there. Maybe?
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