
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sf, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. sf

    sf Active Member

    Just curious what your kiddos eat for boys are 13 months old and they will eat and eat and eat until I take them out of their highchairs. This morning they EACH had a piece of french toast, strawberries, grapes, a nutrigrain bar, peas, some cheerios and they would have kept eating if I would not have taken them down. I am not concerned as they have always been 25% on weight and a 35% on height but geez kids can eat!
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Wow. I have the opposite problem. My girls are growing just fine (35% and 50% in weight, 50% in height), but they really don't like to eat. For breakfast, they usually share a package of instant oatmeal and have some yogurt and fruit. Other days they split a waffle or have toast with cream cheese. And then there are the mornings where they both decide they'll eat nothing at all and I offer fifteen things only to have it all end up on the floor.
  3. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Mine generally will eat a piece of toast/waffle/french toast each with some milk. That's about it. They do have a morning snack though about 2-2.5 hours after "breakfast."
  4. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Breakfast is the biggest meal of our day here. Today they each had a waffle, split a yogurt, & each had a handful of yogurt bites & cheerios. And daycare wonders why they have fits when they take them out of their chairs after just a handful of dry cereal! Oh & mine typically chug a good 2-3 oz of milk along with breakfast, and that's usually 1-1 1/2 hrs after their morning sippy of 8-9 oz! Now lunch & dinner (and snacks) are totally different. Most of that food ends up on the floor or the wall, but breakfast? EVERYTHING goes in their mouth :)!
  5. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    We share a waffle, share a banana, eat some cherios or kix. Also have milk or water. My 2 seem to eat and eat and eat. Just thru out the day.. Not all at once
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls eat their biggest meal for breakfast. Just the other day they each had a whole banana and then 16 mini pancakes between the two of them. That is a lot more than normal, but they can certainly put it back in the morning.
  7. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    Mine always have the same breakfast. Terrible, I know, but it is one less thing that I have to think about during a crazy day. They split a banana, a waffle, and they each have a bowl of Cheerios with milk. They can actually scoop the cereal out with their little spoons and most of it makes it into their mouths. Of course, inevitably they end up dumping the bowl and the milk all over their tray. They actually will not let me spoon feed them anything right now and will ONLY eat things that come in a bowl and with silverware!
  8. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    Breakfast is huge here as well.

    They each eat 2 waffles with Cream Cheese and Jelly between then, a banana, an ounce of cheese, yogurt smoothie (about 5oz.) and some dry cereal.

    Yes, that is a lot of dairy, but we only dirnk 8oz. of milk a day.
  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Breakfast is our biggest meal too. They have cheerios and fruit (usually peaches, pears, or bananas) and oatmeal mixed with yogurt. This is about an hour after they down 8oz of milk when they wake up!
  10. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    Cody loves breakfast. On the days I am home he will have 2 packs of oatmeal & a piece of toast with cream cheese. He will eat his brothers mini pancakes & waffles with them too.
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine have always been big on breakfast, not necessarily so much other meals. When I make scrambled eggs, DH and I each have about 2 eggs and the girls split 5 eggs between them -- plus they eat a lot of fruit and each have half an English muffin.

    I'm told they eat lunch at daycare (though I never know exactly what or how much), but then sometimes they'll have a bite of bread for dinner and that's it.
  12. kimj

    kimj Well-Known Member

    I have kind of a weird set up as my girls are early risers. They get sippys of milk and dry cereal - cheerios or kix - 1/2 banana each and sometimes 1/2 toast w/ peanut butter - they will eat the toast if they get juice/water mix instead of milk in their sippys. This is at 5:30-6am! I use this time they are in the highchairs to get ready for work. They eat a bowl of oatmeal or the like at daycare before going down for naps. I do the same thing on weekend where they get their "big" breakfast around 9 am and my girls chow. My girls are great eaters anyway. I just love that they eat all "big people" food now! I just gave them a bowl of frosted mini wheats w/ milk for the first time on Saturday and they loved it.
  13. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Mine nurse first thing in the morning, and have breakfast about an hour later, and it's usually pretty small - just a small coffee cup of cereal with soymilk between the two of them. (They love various Kashi cereals, Annie's Bunny Love cereal, stuff like that.)

    But the rest of the day - boy, do they pack it in! Lunch and dinner are pretty big meals, and they have at least one afternoon snack. Here's what they ate for lunch the other day:

    -canned pumpkin
    -quinoa & arugula risotto

    They had good portions of all of these, so I thought they were done... But then they ate THREE Boca "chicken" patties between the two of them, and nibbled on some cheese! :shok: Don't even ask me where they put it all, I swear they each have a hollow leg.
  14. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Mine are little piglets-- morning, noon, and night! I honestly buy more food for them each week than I do for my DP and I combined... and they really eat ALL of it!! There are things they don't like, but when they are served things they do like, those kids can eat! I honestly jsut keep feeding them until they won't eat any more and start playing with their food. This usually means full-size portions of 4-5 different foods for each kid. We went to the doctor today and they are in the 8th & 48th %iles for weight. Not obese, by any means!
  15. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Well, I *thought* my kids ate a lot until I read this thread, LOL. Man, some of you have some serious eaters! I think I'm just comparing with my older DD, who has never eaten much, and still has a tiny appetite.

    My two will typically split a packet of plain instant oatmeal for breakfast, and one 4 oz. container of yogurt -- and maybe some fruit. Or, a small pancake each, and half a banana. This is about an hour after the 6/7 oz. of milk they drink upon waking.

    They're both LARGE kids, though -- Karina is about 25 pounds, and Kevan about 23. Not sure what their heights are right now -- their 15-month appt. is next week -- but at one year, Karina was off the charts, and Kevan was 90%.
  16. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    Mine LOVE breakfast but the other two meals are hit or miss. Mine will each eat a waffle or piece of french toast, a yogurt and then I cut up a big peach or necterine and they eat a whole one. They also have a sippy with breakfast. They have each eaten up to 4 pancakes, yogurt and fruit at one sitting. They aren't big lunch eaters though and dinner is always a struggle.
  17. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    We have all sorts of different breakfasts, but to give an idea of what amount of food they eat here are a few examples:

    Slice of french toast (each), split a yobaby yogurt, split a banna.


    Scrambled eggs with cheese (made with 2 eggs, so they each eat about one egg) and toast, split a peach.


    A mini whole wheat bagel (each) with cream cheese, split a yobaby yogurl, each have a handful of strawberries.

    They always have a sippy cup of milk as well.
  18. sf

    sf Active Member

    QUOTE(twinboys07 @ Sep 16 2008, 01:20 AM) [snapback]981650[/snapback]
    Mine are little piglets-- morning, noon, and night! I honestly buy more food for them each week than I do for my DP and I combined... and they really eat ALL of it!! There are things they don't like, but when they are served things they do like, those kids can eat! I honestly jsut keep feeding them until they won't eat any more and start playing with their food. This usually means full-size portions of 4-5 different foods for each kid. We went to the doctor today and they are in the 8th & 48th %iles for weight. Not obese, by any means!

    Yours sound like mine...they definitely eat more than we do. I guess all of that running around wears them down.
  19. symercat

    symercat Well-Known Member

    I have one who will eat and eat and eat at all meals. The other is totally hit and miss. We usually eat scrambled eggs w/ cheese, toast w/ jelly, and fruit or sausage, waffle, cottage cheese and fruit. My eater can easily eat 2 eggs, and 1 1/2 pieces of toast or waffle and all the fruit I can give her. She is about 50% in weight. She is my go-go-goer though, must be a high metabolism or something.
  20. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    My girls will split a waffle, pancake or piece of french toast or 1 scrambled egg made with whole milk and cheese and then eat a bunch of fruit.
  21. jockben

    jockben New Member

    hi everyone..My two will typically split a packet of plain instant oatmeal for breakfast, and one 4 oz. container of yogurt -- and maybe some fruit. Or, a small pancake each, and half a banana. This is about an hour after the 6/7 oz. of milk they drink upon waking.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    My DS used to eat and eat and eat. I would have to tell him no more becuase he seriously wouldn't stop. He has a typical appetite now. He has toast or ceral and fruit plus milk.
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