Braxton hisk or just getting bigger and babies moving?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by crabbinglady, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. crabbinglady

    crabbinglady Member

    I am 17 weeks today, pg with boy/girl twins.

    Last week I noticed the babies started to move and about two weeks ago I felt my first braxton hicks. But now I am confused, my tummy feels tighter and babies are moving and it feels so much like Braxton Hicks contractions. How do you know when it's just the babies moving and when it's the contractions?

    sorry, first time mommy here and am sooo confused!
  2. madhouse

    madhouse Well-Known Member

    when the babies move or switch positions can trigger braxton hicks. so you might be feeling both!
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I was never good at differentiating it all. :hug: I would say that if you are concerned, call your Dr. Its always better to be safe than sorry! GL!
  4. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(crabbinglady @ Sep 9 2008, 07:08 PM) [snapback]972065[/snapback]
    I am 17 weeks today, pg with boy/girl twins.

    Last week I noticed the babies started to move and about two weeks ago I felt my first braxton hicks. But now I am confused, my tummy feels tighter and babies are moving and it feels so much like Braxton Hicks contractions. How do you know when it's just the babies moving and when it's the contractions?

    sorry, first time mommy here and am sooo confused!

    Babies moving is just in 1-2 spots at a time.

    Contractions, your whole stomach will get tight. Mild- if you touch your stomach will feel like the tip of your nose, stronhg- if you touch your stomach will feel like your forhead.

    If you feel both, it could be both, too.
  5. SweetTooth

    SweetTooth Member

    I can't tell the difference either. I was having cramping and tightening, so I went to the dr. to have my cervix checked. Everything was fine with that, NP told me I just might be feeling the babies move.
  6. madhouse

    madhouse Well-Known Member

    If you are concerned just call. its better to be safe then sorry! my dr. just told me that more than 4 an hour i need to go in to the er to be checked. but i do get them more than that but i have since 12 weeks. so unless i feel a change i am ok. like i said before...when the babies switch positions...they will trigger them. it might just be with some people but i know that when i see one of mine move completly into a different position...i get one right away! a strong one! Good luck!
  7. Kimani

    Kimani Well-Known Member

    I started getting BH about 10 weeks ago when I was about as far along as you. I remeber them from when I had my son but they started earlier with this pregnancy because your body thinks its farther along in the pregnancy then you really are.
    For me I can tell its a BH because the tightening starts low in my belly and then kinda spreads up and across, lol I'm getting one now as I'm writing this. It does kinda feel like the babies are pushing out and you are feeling the hardness of their backs or something. Another way to tell is to lay on your back for like a minute and if you can see and feel the outline of your uterus sticking out hard its a BH.

    If you get a lot of them in a short period put your feet up and start drinking some water or eat a snack and that may help. My Dr has me call him if I get more than 6 an hour.

    Sorry this is so long but I hope its helpful for some women who had the same question.
  8. singesp

    singesp Member

    Don't feel bad, this in my 2nd pregnancy and I can't tell either! I'm 21 weeks, but I think I was around 15 or 16 weeks when I started noticing what I think was BH. Now that I'm bigger though, it almost feels like they're rolling over and poking out which is causing my stomach to tighten. I really only notice it at night laying in bed. When it does happen, I try to start downing a lot of water and eat a light snack and that does the trick for me.

    Keep up your fluid intake! But definitely if it's more than 4 in an hour or concerns you - call your doctor!
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