Bragging post

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sbcowell, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I just had to share, after reading several posts about kids yelling/screaming/fighting diaper changes, I am so proud that mine are awesome in this regard. When they need to be changed they tell me, and then they go and lay down on the change pad (of course they don't do this every time, and sometimes I have to chase them down, but about 90% of the time they are excellent) and wait for me to finish! Wow - so impressed with my kiddos.

    They have both also mastered spoons and are pretty good with a fork as well - the trick I learned on here about using yogurt with cereal mixed in was a great tip to get them used to the spoon without stuff falling off all the time!

    What new and exciting things have your kiddos learned or said this week?
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  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    (In the past two weeks, since my MIL's funeral) Alice is now counting to 15 and can say a good portion of her alphabet. She also knows (and will tell me that she either peed or pooped) the difference between peepee and poop. She also no longer gets blue and yellow confused and has learned pink, red, orange, green, black, brown and says and points to the colors.

    Royce is finally starting to talk. He now says "lala" (banana), mommy, hi daddy, all of the animal sounds. (And yes, there is a difference between a lion's roar, a tiger's roar, and a dinosaur's roar). He can jump off of the ground. He knows the colors, just can't say them.

    And you're so lucky about the diaper thing! I've been fighting with them both about changing diapers since they were 4-5 months old. It just never got any easier for us.
  3. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I think mine are a bit behind on lots of things, but they started waving yesterday (our fault, we never wave) and been using a fork for dinner for a few days now... oh and they figured out how to climb on the couch last week (but they knew how to get down beforehand so it's all good).
  4. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    I thought my DD to say "niam niam" when I am ready to serve, or she sees me eating. It sounds so cute.
  5. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    My girls do the splits, and push ups and somersaults! They are little gymnasts, it's so cute.
  6. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I love reading all the Brags! :wub:

    Kaylyn can count to Twelve, and Kylee can count to 10. They recently started singing all their favorite new songs, which is adorable! I also love all the hilarious things that they say and do. Kylee put my bra up to her chest yesterday and was walking around saying "Mommy's Big Boobies", over and over again. The things these gets pick up is just phenomenal!
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    These are great!
    Luke can tumble himself over. Both know how to get on and off the couch safely and are getting better with sitting on it.
    Both are getting better with sharing.
    Sophia started saying cup & ball, Luke is saying Mama, Dada, Nonna (which is Nanana) and Pop-Pop. They mimic talking on the phone.
    Sophia can say ABCD and they both give kisses. It's so funny to me what they've started to do in the past two weeks alone :wub:
  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :wub: Love reading these!! You mom's should be very proud. :Clap:
  9. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Nate can say "doggie", "mama", "dada", "driver", "thank you", "grass", and "dadu" (no, we have no clue what it means either, but he says it with conviction). He also gives the biggest slobbery kisses to us and his brother!

    Jack can now walk around the entire house (which is laid out in a circle) holding a toy without once falling down. He looks so pleased with himself! He can also say "hot" (don't ask).

    They're just the happiest boys in the world, and I feel so lucky to be their mother. Except when they wake at 4am and won't go back to sleep... ;)
  10. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    In the past few weeks Hailey and Hannah both have started blowing kisses and when they do they say "mmmwah!" So cute! Hannah will sometimes just say "mmmwah" when she "gives" you a kiss. Nowhere close to your face, just says the sound, lol. They've both been working on saying each other's names too. Hailey will say "anna" and Hannah says "a-LEE" with emphasis on the last part!

    Hailey has started to try and repeat more words lately. Tonight she said "nanana" for banana! Hailey is also becoming a really sweet sister to Hannah (at times!). She will bring Hannah her blankie or paci when she's upset. She's becoming incredibly independent! I'm so proud of her because she walks into daycare every morning while I carry Hannah. Not once has she tried to get on the playground we walk through every morning, I just hold her hand and say "you'll get to come out and play later, let's go see Ms. Kim" and she goes right in! (That's a big deal for, I'm honestly shocked everyday when she doesn't throw herself down and scream because she can't go over there... maybe it's because she knows she'll get food when she gets inside, lol...)

    Hannah is making AMAZING progress with her PT and OT. In fact, DH said that the OT told him today she was out of pre certified visits and it would be up to us if we wanted to continue but that she was doing so well it may not be necessary. We're going to the pedi tomorrow for a WBV and will see what his opinion is on the matter. As far as PT, she is crawling more and more consistently everyday. She is pulling up more and shows such a desire to do more. She tries to repeat just about everything I say to her. She has also started shaking her head and saying something that sounds like a mix between "no" and "nope" when she doesn't want to do something... that may not be the best, she does it for almost everything! :)

    Thanks for starting this post, it's been a rough few days with teething and some tantrums so it was great to reflect a little on all the positive things they have doing lately!
  11. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    A couple proud moments that stand out from the last few days are my daughter put together a puzzle all by herself, with absolutely no help from me. It was a simple 5 piece shape puzzle, but I was still so impressed! And today I asked my son out of the blue if he could throw a wrapper in the garbage can for mommy. I never asked him this before, didn't know if he knew he had to open the pantry to get to it, or that he even understood the concept of throwing garbage away. He surprised me when he walked over to the pantry, opened the door, threw it in the garbage can, and shut the door.

    They each say about 10 words, half of which are animal sounds, so they really don't do a lot of real talking on their own. But they can repeat a lot of what we ask them to and I swear they understand almost everything we say (doesn't mean they always listen!) I do suspect they are saying things we're just not picking up on yet. I need to do a better job of listening for consistency. They can both get up and down from the couch unassisted. My daughter can climb the stairs by holding the railing unassisted, and she can do the same if I hold her hand going down. (My son's legs are still just a little too short!) They can both jump up and down. And lately my son has been saying hi while waving, to anything and everything. It's so cute :)

    I'm so impressed for all those who said their toddlers are counting and saying letters and understanding colors! I keep trying with the color thing, but so far no luck.
  12. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    So many exciting moments!!

    You are all doing such a great job with your kids - you should be proud!
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