Braeden Split his lip....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jdandson, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    So i just got frantic call from the boys babysitter, apparently Braeden tripped and hit his face on a bench, he split the inside of his lip. She said it bleed pretty bad, i assume mouth injuries usually do though, but she got the bleeding to slow down, but he is now just kinda laying on her lap(he isn't the docile twin). So my concern is if stitches are needed how incredibly traumatic is that going to be?!?!?! I also can't go to him, my DH has to go as i can't leave work right now, so my heart is breaking thinking he may have to endure the ER without me!!
    Any mouth/lip injury stories or help are greatly welcomed!!
  2. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Timothy was almost 4 when he needed 4 stitches on his lip (the outside). For him, it was majorly traumatic. If someone even asked him about his lip he would turn his head and refuse to talk. It set back his social skills for several months. To this day he insists hospitals are mean places that hurt people. Since your child is younger, I doubt he would remember it to the extent that Timothy does.

  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    I was watching a friend of mine's little girl once and she crawled up on a child size chair and tipped it over right into a wall. She bled pretty hard, too. It stopped and I wanted her mom to make the call on stitches instead of me. It was cut, but I think it was ok. She said if the bleeding stopped she wasn't coming to take her for stitches. She was fine!

    My kids have had split lips, but never needed stitches. I'm sorry this had to happen and you can't be there for loves! Dh will be just fine. If he does end up with stitches, you are probably better off not watching, anyway. And as far as actual stitches, I think he's young enough that he will be just fine and not traumatized forever afterwards.

    ETA: Apparently my favorite word here is fine. Keep us informed with what happens!
  4. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Jack caught his face on the corner of the radiator and had a cut in his lip. It bled like anything but it didnt need stitches. Your son could have just got a fright and is probably just needing a bit of comfort. I agree with pp though your DH will be fine and you are probably better not watching them anyways! x
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We have had cut lips many times, my experience is if the bleeding stops and it usually does then he'll be fine. I always put some ice on it or have them drink ice water as that will help. Let us know how he is.
  6. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    No hospital needed, the ped said since the bleeding had subsided it should be ok, just watch for bleeding tonight.
  7. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    Phoebe split her lip at school last May. Couldn't believe the amount of blood! The cut was on the inside mostly and no stitches needed. Today you can barely see it. It will heal! Just takes time! I dabbed her lip very sparingly with neosporin.
  8. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    When Regan was ~15 months, she fell and hit her mouth on the window sill while her Nana was babysitting. It bled for a while and her upper lip was swollen. After we got home, it started bleeding again and it bled overnight. The next day it seemed okay, but then on Saturday (of course) we ended up taking her to the doctor because it started bleeding again and wasn't stopping. So, the doctor said she tore her frenulum (the tissue extending from her upper lip down to her gums). She consulted with an oral surgeon and they decided to cauterize the area and see if the bleeding stopped. It worked. Her mouth had a big ugly black spot in it from the cauterization, but she didn't bleed anymore.
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