Braces on legs...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MommyofThreeBoys, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    Hi All-

    Brady went to the brace clinic at EI this morning because I have been concerned about his leg foot pointing in and his leg turning in somewhat. I did also make an appointment to see an orthopeadic doctor on Wednesday afternoon if not needed just for a 2nd opinion.

    Anwyays, the long and short of it....He is going to need something on his leg. They said that his left tibia is turning inward and that he would most likely have to wear a brace only at night for 6 months to 1 year. What kind of brace are they most likely talking and does anyone know a website where I can see pictures and research it more.

  2. twin mommy of boys

    twin mommy of boys Well-Known Member

    my 12 yr old brother had the same problem but he oyt grew his i am guessin..

    I just seached google for pictures of kids leg braces and here is the link i am not sure if this is what it might look like or not ...
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Be sure to check with your pediatrician before you do anything. Ryan's feet had always turned in. We talked it over with our pedi and she said it was normal and that he would likely outgrow it. She was absolutely right, his legs have practically straightened out over the past 4-6 months. Our pedi said a lot of kids have that problem and it usually resolves by the time they are 3. She also said it's not unusual for them to point in then point out and then straighten usually by the age of 5.
  4. 2for1

    2for1 Well-Known Member

    Thney could be talking about the Dennis Brown boots. You can google them. My Preston had to wear them due to a club foot. He had to wear them at night after his foot was "fixed" to make sure it stayed straight. He got discharged from it last month. The kids really get used to them, but i'm sorry you'll have to deal with it.
  5. CCJN

    CCJN Well-Known Member

    Here is a link to Cascade/Dafo that has a picture of a night brace for stretching.
    (you have to click on specialty items to see night brace)

    My son Nathan has worn a leg brace since he was 22m on his left, but he wears his during the day and it is for muscle/leg weakness, pronation, and hyperextention of his knee, so I am not too familiar with the use of one for problems with tibia, but have lots of experience with braces in general if you have any non specific questions I would be glad to help. [​IMG]
  6. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    I actually had to wear a brace when I was younger...around 4 or 5, I think...barely remember it. I was "pigeon toed" where my toes pointed in when I walked. My mom took me to SEVERAL doctors who all told her I would outgrow it, but I didn't, and finally she found a doctor who did something about it...the brace. He said that I shouldn't watch TV with my legs tucked back (I would sit with my legs tucked back, making an upside down "V", if that makes sense) b/c that made it worse, so I had to sit either "indian style" or with my legs straight out. I was a little older when mine was finally caught...might have even been 6, like I said, vague memory...most of what I'm telling you isn't really memory anyway...just remembering being told about it. I am still pigeon toed to this day, but not noticeably unless I'm doing something that requires extra walking up or down stairs...when I do that, I can look down and my toes are pointed inwards. I'm not trying to scare you, but I don't agree with the previous post about kids outgrowing these things...I know most of them probably do, but all won't and all don' your doctor. Brady won't remember it, and you will have peace of mind knowing that you did all you could to help him...I wish mine had been caught sooner. I'm sorry I went on for so of luck, and you guys are in my thoughts and prayers.
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Tara, I am interested in hearing what happens. Ali has some foot issues *i think* and I'm guessing she's going to need a corrective shoe of some sort, but the brace thing got me thinking....

    Good luck regardless and try not to worry, he'll adjust no matter what!
  8. Kim5kids

    Kim5kids Well-Known Member

    Wow they sure have changed alot, me and my brothers had to have braces, I remember see pictures of us and back then they were just shoes with a bar that went from one foot to the other to keep our feet straight.
  9. mamaof2miracles

    mamaof2miracles Well-Known Member

    I am a peds PT. It sounds like you are talking about tibial torsion. In and out toeing issues usually correct on their own, but there are cases in which they do not. I am glad you are going to an peds ortho for a second opinion.
    Here is a night splint for excessive tibial torsion:
  10. Katherine M.

    Katherine M. Well-Known Member

    Jill wears braces on her legs. She has always walked on her toes, and we thought that she just did it becasue she like it. When Brandon was getting one of his lip surgeries a doctor told us to get it checked out. Well, it took us a while, we just weren't worried about it. We found that she could un-point her foot, and it hurt to do so. In December she go AFO braces for both of her feet. In the beginning she was horrible with them. She complained about them and always begged me to take them off. The only time she takes them off are for bed and ballet. They haven't done anything yet, but we think they are going to work.

    Here is a website on what braces she uses.

    Good luck!
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