boys more immature?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by GrayHeathmommy, May 22, 2008.

  1. GrayHeathmommy

    GrayHeathmommy Well-Known Member

    We just spent the weekend with friends who have a daughter 1 month older than my boys and she is leap years ahead in her maturity. Her reasoning and vocabulary skills are so far surpassing my boys it made me wonder. Do any of you feel your twins are more immature than their peers??

    My boys are 25 months and they don't get the idea of following instructions or get the idea of the potty, nor can I see them sleeping in a big bed since they don't seem old enough. Whereas this little girl knew to sleep with her head on the pillow, knew when to follow instructions and she asks to go to the potty when she needs to!

    My boys still seem like babies although they look like little boys!! Is this a boy vs. girl thing??

    I just seem to notice it alot lately!!

    Jen FB
  2. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    I really think it is an individual thing. They do say girls mature faster but it is still how one child matures and grows. My boys were ready for big boy beads at 2, they followed instructions. They were potty trained by 3 whereas my nephew was in a big boy bed at 4 1/2 which is around the same time he was potty trained.
  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    My opinion is that girls mature faster. And yes, it does depend on their personalities as well. My oldest dd was talking in sentences at 18 months, my boys don't say anything yet. As far as other things, it depends on what the parent does. All my kids were potty trained before 2, both boys and girls. All transitioned to big kid beds around 15 months, but I haven't transitioned the boys-just because I don't want to yet.

    So, my point is yes, I believe girls naturally mature a bit faster, but that boys are as capable in most areas as well. A lot of it is what the parent expects and teaches the child. But, they don't all do it at the same time, and it's not fair to compare children with others because it will only frustrate the parent.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    From my experience, yes (this is based on my 3 kids). Emilie is way ahead of Trevor and my oldest DD was way ahead of where he is now too.
  5. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    No boys here so I can't say as kids...but as adults - YES ;)
  6. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    is she a singleton?
    When you have more time to spend w/ one it seems like *sometimes* they can be ahead, but they all usually level out by or in Kindergarten.

    That said, I had my DD first and my twin boys 2nd and she was definitely ahead of them maturity and developmental-wise. not sure if it's a gender thing, an individual thinking or a singleton/twins thing.
  7. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    I agree that it is an individual thing. Michael was potty trained before 2 but couldn't hardly talk. Matthew was talking in complete and very advanced sentences before 2 but didn't potty train until almost 3. Last year Michael knew almost all his letters and Matthew knew only a few. This year Matthew not only knows the letters but the sounds they make so he passed up his brother.

    I really wouldn't worry about it because watching my 2 very different boys I have found that eventually the one that is behind catches up they just pick things up in their own time.
  8. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    My boys are 29 months within the last 3 months or so they really have 'grown up' as far as speech, knowing their letters, number and colors. I can basically have a conversation with them now. Given all that I was just discussing this with a friend whose daughter is a day older then my boys and I was saying how they understand everything I tell them, they talk very well but for the life of me I cannot get them to sit and go on a potty. She said said believe me they know it but they will do it when they are good and ready not when you are. They still sleep in cribs and I am not going to do toddler beds until after their 3rd Bday in December I am in no rush for that. I do think it depends on the child, their personality my one son will actively sit on the potty a few times a day (nothing comes out) and will sit and let me read to him, do letters with him while the other has no interest. I also think girls are usually independent earlier than boys but boys are perfectly capable of doing the same.
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