Boys dress clothes

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Amy A, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    My brother is getting married in June and I want to find the boys something cute to wear for the wedding. It would be sooo easy if they were girls - so many adorable dresses out there. But boy's dress up clothes are a bit harder. Since it's a June Wedding in MN it will probably be quite hot. Should I go with something dressy yet comfortable (khaki shorts, nice button down short sleve shirt and possibly a bow tie or something like that), or something more dressy (black pants/long sleve shirt/ect). The boys aren't in the wedding, but we will be in pictures. What do you think? I am going to ask my brother to see if he prefers something. But if not, what is your advice and WHERE do I find it!!!
  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I love putting Andrew in Jon Jons/Shortalls for dress up events. Like these. It's kind of a southern thing though! I know some think it's a little too girly! Another thought for a summer wedding that I think would be really cute would be seersucker pants and a nice white polo shirt (if it's outside). I think when they're still so little it's a shame to dress them up like "little men" in coats and ties! Check out for some ideas too. HTH :)
  3. Dragonfly76

    Dragonfly76 Well-Known Member

    I've seen some really cute boys tuxedos in Burlington Coat Factory for under $30-$40.
  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I forgot, check talbots kids too!
  5. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I really love the type of stuff Melissa linked but my husband would never go for it.

    I was shopping last weekend and saw light blue & white seersucker pants at Carter's. They were Easter leftovers (they had a matching sweater vest there too) but they would work nicely for a Summer event. June in MN can be quite warm during the day but if the event goes into evening at all, it cools down quickly. Also, if it's indoors, they'll have the thermostat at 68 because they LOVE their air conditioning in MN! I'd choose a lightweight pant and short sleeves. If you want a tie, The Children's Place carries them.
  6. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I don't know what your budget is, but there are some really adorable things at Gymboree:

    [post=""]outfit 1[/post]

    [post=""]outfit 2[/post] (might be too warm, but it's layered & you could always take off the jacket & vest)

    Gap has some nice stuff, too and these [post=",28201,28453,59481&clearance=0"]outfits[/post] from Children's Place are adorable!

    good luck!
  7. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the responses girls, I actually just thought of burlington coat factory this morning. Don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. We have one close to our home and that's where I got the boys baptism outfits from (well for after the baptism, during the baptism they wore family heriloom gowns).

    Melissa, I'm not as much of a fan of those outfits. I do think they are cute, but not sure my DH would go for it. I'm not saying ANYTHING bad about your kids, I think they look adorable. I think it looks great with b/g twins, but maybe a bit to much for bb twins.

    I found out from my brother that even though they aren't in the wedding, they are getting boutineers (sp?). So I think we will have to get them somewhat dressy for the event! I'll try burlington first :D Thanks!
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