Boys bathrooms can be soooooooo gross

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Kendra, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've finally figured it out!

    After the dismissal bell rings I meet my kids in the hall outside our room beside the bathrooms. Every day a whole tribe of boys go into the bathroom and come out giggling. I've heard references to the pee pee corner but didn't think anything of it beyond a "we don't talk bathroom talk" comment. Back in the olden days my school had so called "pee corner" where it was rumoured that someone really did pee there at one point. No one ever knew who though.

    The custodial staff have changed their cleaning routine and now the bathrooms by my room don't get cleaned until the morning so part of my job is to go in just to make sure the toilets are flushed so nothing sits over night/weekend.

    Well, I've discovered why the boys all have to run to the bathroom. Durring the day if someone makes impressive use of the toilet they leave it so everyone can see it. EWWWW There is also some sort of an agreement to not flush the urinals all day.

    I have told the teachers and have had long conversations with my boys about flushing. I've told them that you don't have to flush someone elses mess but please come and tell me about it and I'll do it. If you tell me, you get a reward because I am apparently fighting a culture of intimidation with the no flush thing. The kids who use this bathroom are grades 1-3.
  2. *Lori*

    *Lori* Well-Known Member

  3. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

  4. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    When I volunteered with Brady's class, I usually arrived right at bathroom break time. His teacher said the boys' bathroom smelled so bad, she wouldn't even go in. My kids haven't told me about what you're talking about, but maybe that's why is was so stinky!

    I thought you were going to say they were gross because the boys had such bad aim. Mine manage to hit the floor and even the bathroom walls from time to time :icon_eek: , and I hand them a rag and a bottle of Fantastik and let them clean it up! Thankfully, though, they are really good about flushing and putting all lids down when they're done.
  5. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    Blech,is that what I have to look forward too? :bad:
  6. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    oh geez!! Boys can be nasty! LOL!
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