Boy part issue...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, May 4, 2010.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yesterday when changing Nicholas' diaper, I noticed a slight discharge from the tip of the penis. So I called the pedi's office and got an appointment at the end of the day. Nicholas is not circumsized btw.

    We saw a different pedi than our own. He said it wasn't bad at all, just a little irritated, and to add neosporin twice a day for a few days and it should be fine. Then he goes on to say that it's common in uncircumsized boys and if it continues, then he needs to be circumsized. And then he said, that it's not very common to see uncircumsized boys anymore. Most people are getting them circumsized.

    HUH?!?!?! Needless to say, dh wasn't too happy, nor was I. I will be seeing the boys regular pedi in June when I bring Annabella for her one year, so I'll bring it up to him then.

    So my question is-did anyone have this "redness" issue with their son, never to have it again? Or very infrequently? And are we not supposed to move the foreskin? I was under the impression not to, as it will do it on it's own, as will the child. I have to move it back a little bit to put the ointment on, but is it something I should be doing on a regular basis, so this doesn't happen again?

    The things they don't tell you in parenting school! Thanks for any help ladies!
  2. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member


    I would see a different pedi ASAP. The one you saw is obviously uninformed and biased about the intact penis. For one thing, it's getting MORE common to leave the penis intact. Also, the AAP statement on the issue mentions negligible decrease in risk of infection, if any, with circumcision. I seriously doubt that circumcision will be the answer. Btw, you are also completely right about not retracting the foreskin if it's not retracting on its own. You should never force it.

    Clearly, something's going on with your little guy's "little guy"! But it doesn't sound like the doctor you saw is equipped to give you good help. I hope you can find someone who's more well versed in this stuff.
  3. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    My boys are circ'd, so I can't help you with the actual health issue you speak of, but I wanted to tell you that I'd be super frustrated with the pediatrician you talked to! How uneducated! I think it's crazy that he hinted Nicholas may NEED to be circ'd in the future just from ONE small irritation! And to try to insinuate that you're in the minority is crazy! Ugh.

    I'd file a complaint. Sounds like he's talking more from his own opinion than from fact. That's just'd have bothered me!

    On a side note, even though mine aren't circ'd, Conner has a bad adhesion that kinda looks like he's only half-circ'd. The last time I was in, the ped told me to specifically NOT pull back on it & to treat it as if he was uncirc'd. It'll do it's thing by itself!
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thanks Ladies! Glad to know I wasn't crazy! And this is the Dr. that dh's cousin had issues with.. LOL! Our Dr agrees with keeping the penis intact. I'm going to add the ointment, and if it doesn't heal, or I am not happy with the outcome, I'll be making an appointment with their regular pedi!

    Thanks again! :)
  5. yoli

    yoli Active Member

    This happened to my little guy a few months ago. He had a red tip, discharge, and it hurt when he urinated (he in not circumcised either). He was but on oral antibiotics for a week and topical cream for a week. The pead. mentioned this sometimes happens to un- circumcised boys because dirt and stuff get stuck and if it happens again then we might have to get him circumcised. He recommended warm soapy baths and never to retract the tip. So far he has not had this happen again. He gets warm baths ever night or two and when this first had happened to him he had not had a bath for two + days.

    Hope that helps.
  6. suzrod

    suzrod Well-Known Member

    My oldest is almost 7 and he is not circumcised either. He has never had any problems so I can't help with that part. But, we were told the same thing....not to try and push the skin back b/c it will do that on its' own. I would definitely not listen to the Doc who says you may have to get him circumcised. If the redness and discharge continue, I would see another doctor.
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