boy/girl twins & playdates

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dtlyme, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    Hi all. First let me say that I am having a bad lonely week. My son had the puke bug earlier in the week and I have been keeping low and away from people so as not to spread it. So it's been one of those lonely quiet weeks - there is no school and a lot of people are away on vacation. And I am sick of winter and my own company <_<

    But I have been thinking about how we rarely get invited to play dates. I have people here or we meet up at an indoor play space. And I think (hope) I am a fairly nice and friendly person and kids are as well behaved as 4 year olds can be. But do you feel or think that having boy/girl twins affects being invited to playdates? For instance most of my friends have daughters. Are we not invited over b/c they don't know what to do with Archer?

    what are your thoughts/feeling and experiences? Or how do you handle setting up play dates? One for your son and one for your daughter?

  2. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    The the majority of my playdates are with people I have met thru my twins club, so most are twins and I don't think we ever think twice about what sexes the kids are, just if they have fun together.
    But I think you just may need to do most of the inviting, sorry to say. I have found that 90% of the time it is me setting things up. I think LOTS of moms are content being home with thier kids. I am the type of person who is always looking to get OUT of the house so I routinely have playdates set up.
  3. korie99

    korie99 Well-Known Member

    Sarah has a little friend in preschool that is always asking her to come over, and I think it's so nice that the mom always thinks to include Alex in the invite. I know they will eventually be doing separate playdates, but at this age I feel like one would be really disappointed if the other one went without them. One of my other friends that we get together with has a 4 year old boy and a 2.5 year old girl so it always seems to work out ok.

    And hey, you guys could always come over here! Our kids are the same age AND they're boy/girl. Problem solved!!! :lol:
  4. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We just did our first playdate with a preschool friend the other day. She is more Meghan's friend, but her mom invited all of us over. Her younger son is a month younger than Liam, so it made for a nice day.
  5. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    korie - I know we have chatted before! I will send you a message b/c I can't remember where you live :D Do you go to the Target in Waterford ever?

    Thanks ladies! I think I do need to get more organized on playdates. We are off to pick up our new puppy tomorrow so that will keep me busy for a bit getting used to her - but then I will get it together!
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We honestly don't do that many simply because of scheduling!! :hug:
  7. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    At 4, sexes really don't matter in playdates. At that age, my boys actually played with more girls than boys--it is about a 1 boy/2girl ratio in their grade. It is only now, in first grade, that they want to only play with boys.
  8. nutty-mom

    nutty-mom Well-Known Member

    We have never had trouble with play dates. The twins play with both sexes and don't even notice niether does anyone else. Most of our play dates are with other sahm and the kids even very in age.

    Good luck and hope you are not feeling so down. Warmer weather should help us all feel better
  9. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    We are just now seeing the boys and girls seperate at play dates. We went to a park yesterday and one of the moms commented how odd it was to see them break off. And actually, they went back and forth w/playing all together and splitting up. My guess is you will need to do alot of the arranging. Most of our play is w/other twins but the arranging is usually left to myself or another mom. But, in our group we have a set of girls two sets of boys and a b/g set. Oh and we are just approaching five.
  10. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Hmm. To be honest, since my boys are both boys, I prefer play dates with boys. We've tried play dates with girls, but my boys just seemed more energetic than the girls, and they didn't like any of the "girl" toys. As they get older, I will try some more though, because I want to foster all kinds of friendships. The boys' "best friends" are a pair of twin boys about the same age.

    Sorry you're so lonely! I'm surprised that the people you invite over don't reciprocate. Maybe they don't feel they have the space at their homes? I wonder if the b/g twin thing is a factor - I could see that.
  11. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    I am an organizer for my twins group with 35 members. We have 50/50 either girl/girl-boy/boy or girl/boy. For now they all like to play with each other during their playdates. But I haven't been to a house where they have NO boys or girls' toys yet. Because there were 1-2 Moms would actually volunteer to host a playgroup at their house. I honestly do get frustrated from time to time when setting up the monthly calendar (thru meeetup). It is hard because I have to constantly the primarily to be hosting playgroup. It could post a future problem when they reach '3' or '4' years old where they'll start showing more interest of 'who' they will play with? I think our lives will get more busier and playgroup will be limit from time to time. I am such an outgoing, friendly with everyone and love be doing whatever I can to keep my twins entertain throughout the day. I have seen my twins group where they are on FB and says, let do a playdate. I was like ?! but knowing they probably prefer 1-2 over their house instead of a large group. I just make the best of it for my twins' knowing I did everything I could....they'll look back and say, Mom----Wow! Because I have all of the pictures from many of their playdates (I would put the childn's name in the back) this way if or they shall become friends for a long time.

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