boy/girl.....they're driving each other crazy!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by naomi02, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Is it just my 2, or does everyone else's kids fight ALL the time?? Esp now they're talking more; say dd wants a glass of milk & asks for it.....ds will tell her "No milk!" Seems like even more in the carseats they will just verbally tease each other. Yesterday it was almost funny b/c ds was yelling at dd & she started crying & holding her ears. She said "J-- broke my ears!"

    I just don't know what to do about all this fighting! They've even started telling each other to go to timeout! :eek:
  2. mamabrooks

    mamabrooks Well-Known Member

    mine still are it and they just turned four. krym will be walking around with justin following her and her screaming i don't want to play with you! or the other way around. i think at times they just get tired of each other. thankfully justin has started football and krym is doing cheerleading so it is giving them some time apart.
  3. firemedic

    firemedic Well-Known Member

    I am dealing with this too. It sucks! We had a very physical fight yesterday. I know they get bored with each other but what can we do?
  4. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    Mine still fight, but they are learning to be nice & compromising.
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