bow legged

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Heathermomof5, Apr 28, 2008.

  1. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My girls are almost 16 months - and Ava is pretty bow legged. The pedi has never mentioned it to me but then again she hasn't really seen Ava in action much either. Last night we were at my SIL's house and Ava came walking across the yard and several people mentioned to me how bow legged she is - they do not have another well baby check until 18 months should I wait or do you think I should go ahead and make her an appt. now??
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My brother was very bow legged as a kid, until around 2-3, then he outgrew it. I would think you'd be okay to wait 2 months to mention it to your ped when you have their 18 month appt.
  3. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    My little brother and sister are twins and my sister was extremely bow-legged as a baby/toddler. My parents took her to Duke and they basically broke her legs and put them in casts. It was actually cute b/c my mom put legwarmers over her casts and she learned to walk in the casts! They weren't on that long. Now her legs are awesome (she's 25)! Long and straight - perfect really. I am jealous of her legs!!
  4. mricharde

    mricharde Well-Known Member

    My son had very very bowed legs and everyone mentioned it. My pedi sent us to a specialist when he was a year old. They said that it was early but they wanted to make sure it wasn't genetic. They thought it might possible be blountis disease and went ahead and prescribed him with leg braces. We had to go and have him measured for the braces and such. It took forever for them to come in, I had to call the place several times and finally they were like yes they're in come and try them on. By this time his legs had already started to self correct. In the end it cost us $2000 for the braces and treatment and he pretty much grew out of it on his own. What I am trying to say by all this is, in hindsight we all (us and pedi) think that he would have been fine growing out of it on his own but we were fine with being proactive as well. We ended up donating his braces to the local children's hospital so another child could use them. Most of the time it is not seriously looked into until age 2 to give the child the chance to see if it will self correct. I hope this helped.

  5. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I see the little girl down the street walking and notice that she is also bow-legged. She will be 2 in July. I think you are safe waiting until your next appointment to bring it up. When I asked about Meghan walking with her feet turned in, the doctor said it usually corrects itself.
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