Bouncies vs Rockers...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by alechiac, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. alechiac

    alechiac Well-Known Member

    Hey ladies,

    This is my first post--I'm expecting twins in the spring and am muddeling through all the "necessities" for the registry.

    I hear a lot of good things about the Fisher Price Infant to Toddler Rockers. If I get those, does that mean I don't need to get bouncy seats as well?

    Also, what is y'alls favorite feeding seat that you can easily take with you to restaurants for twins?


  2. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    We just had the rockers - they worked out great for us.
  3. bethsull

    bethsull Well-Known Member

    I had one of these for my older DD and loved it. I saw another at a yard sale when I was PG with the twins and bought it. Then we were given 2 bouncies from friends whose kids had outgrown them so the twins are using both. I like both for different reasons. The bouncy seats are easier to get a good steady motion going. But the rockers last longer. My 4 year old still sort-of fits in it and I don't worry that it's going to break or bend. I don't have a strong preference one way or the other.
  4. andiemc

    andiemc Well-Known Member

    Just a suggestion for making purchases...keep your eyes open for Moms of Multiples sales. Around here they do one in spring and one in fall. I cleaned up at the one in spring!! I walked away with 2 swings, a bouncy seat, and an exersaucer for maybe 60 dollars!
  5. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I think the rockers would be fine! Congratulations on your pregnancy!
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I bought two of the rockers when the girls were just a few weeks old and still use them. They have been a great buy for us. We never needed bouncies. They are terrific in my opinion and the girls love to sit in them now.
  7. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to say :sign0016: to Twinstuff!! I only had bouncies so I am no help, just wanted to say hi!! :)
  8. vweaver

    vweaver Well-Known Member

    It looks like I am going to give a different suggestion than the previous posts - I have used my bouncies SO much with all four children. They must be vibrating too in order fo rmy children to fall asleep instantly. We swear by them. Have fun making up your registry.
  9. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    We have both -- the rockers are a really good angle to feed bottles early on, especially if you have to feed both babies at the same time (sit between them on the floor). They have a kickbar that reclines them and keeps them from rocking, which is great when you're trying to feed.

    We keep those in the nursery -- the bouncies are on the first floor, just as a place to put the babies down. They are great also....
  10. alechiac

    alechiac Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the welcome and the advice ladies! It's all so overwhelming. :)
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