My girls are invited to a birthday party at BounceU tomorrow and I'm wondering what to expect. BounceU is apparently a franchise kids play place that has all sorts of inflatable toys and bounce areas. Has anyone been to one? Were you able to handle two toddlers with just one adult in a party setting? Thanks!
Never heard of that one in particular but we have JJJump and PumpItUp around here. I assume they are similar. I've been to many of those parties. I tend to not to bring the really young ones to places like that. At 1 y/o they are just going to get trampled/jumped on/knocked over/ or bounced off the inflateables unless EVERYONE there is of the same age and size. I did bring my dd and a few freinds to a party like that when they were 6 y/o and one of the girls broke her ankle. She was jumping and coming down while someone heavier was bouncing up and the force of the inflateable broke her ankle when she landed. Think big trampoline's.
QUOTE(twoplustwo @ Mar 6 2009, 01:29 PM) [snapback]1217181[/snapback] I did bring my dd and a few freinds to a party like that when they were 6 y/o and one of the girls broke her ankle. She was jumping and coming down while someone heavier was bouncing up and the force of the inflateable broke her ankle when she landed. Oh no, that's horrible!! No experience here with a party, but we did go to an outdoor festival last weekend and the boys jumped in an inflatable bounce house. Jackson hated it and came out immediately. We almost had to climb in and get Jacob out, though. He loved it!!! The one we went to was limited to children only and small children (4 & under) in the one our kids went in. There were only like 6 kids in it and it seemed pretty safe. Good luck keeping track of them at the party-- that's always the fun part of having twins!
Call and ask if they have a toddler section -- some of them have special areas just for the little ones. If not, then it's really too much for this age. Nadia has been going regularly since about age 3 or so -- we have Monkey Joe's, Catch Air and a million others -- but the slides and various things are just BIG, and the big kids get rowdy. She's fallen, been jumped on, trampled, you name it. But, at age 4 and 5, it's fine. I know I wouldn't be able to keep track of K&K myself in one of these places, or keep them from getting hurt by the bigger kids...
Oooopps... I guess I should have explained that the entire place is devoted to one party at a time, so the only kids on the bounce equipment will be at a 2 year old's birthday party. I suspect there will be some older cousins, but mostly just little kids. So hopefully we'll be ok. I think I'm going to try to convince my DH to go with me (he saw this as a great opportunity to get a little work around the house done, and I agreed... but if there's the threat of broken ankles or me going mad, I guess we'll have to install the ceiling fan another time!). Thanks everyone for the feedback.
I had my girls 3rd birthday party at a local bouncy place. One of DH's cousin had so much fun he had his sons 2nd birthday party there. I have even taken my girls when they were about a year older then your girls to the bouncy place for toddler play. I think you will be fine, but I can tell you from the bouncy places I have been too the dads have more fun then the kids it seems. Since it is a private party, you don't have to worry as much about them going in different directions since you know they are in a contained room, then will go to the food room. Have fun.
I haven't been to BounceU, but it sounds a lot like Pump It Up. If the kids are all around age 2, I think you'll be fine. It's a bit hectic trying to keep track of them, but I don't think they can really come to much harm. We went to a party at PIU when my girls were 2.5 (it was a 3-year-old party). DH was there for most of it, but I was on my own for part of the time, and it was just fine. At that age, my girls were actually more interested in playing with the beach ball and driving the Cozy Coupe around the floor than on really bouncing on the equipment. They did like the slide though. They had enough fun that I decided to have their 3-year-old party there too, and it was awesome.
We have been to a number of parties at Bounce U. The rooms are closed off to only that party, so it shouldn't be a problem with just you there--simply because they can't go anywhere. They usually have at least 2-3 attendants at each party to supervise and play with the kids. My boys love it there!