Bottom Shuffling

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by eewelks, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. eewelks

    eewelks Well-Known Member

    Hi There --
    This is my first time posting in the 1-4yr forum so hello! :D

    My boy twin, who is just over 12 months FINALLY started moving about a week ago. I have been worried sick
    about his lack of mobility, although the ped told me not to numerous times. However, he is
    bottom shuffling, not crawling in the traditional manner. He's already amazingly quick, but he looks so funny
    DH and I crack up when he does it.

    It's worrying me still, though, that he isn't crawling -- is bottom shuffling a problem? A sign of anything else?
    Or is bottom shuffling just another way for them to get around?

    Also, is the fact he is mobile so late, by comparison to some babies, a sign he will have coordination problems later on?
    He sat up unaided at 6 months, but seems to be doing things backwards. He is just starting to pull up and can
    only now push himself into a sitting position from his stomach.
    Any insights?
    Thanks so much!
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two didn't start crawling, shuffling, whatever until they were very close to 12 months. 6 months later, I can't keep Alice from climbing, and they both run around like mad. They'll be fine, just encourage them to stand up. . .

    Wait until they both start spinning in circles on the floor.
  3. korie99

    korie99 Well-Known Member

    By bottom shuffling, you mean scooting around on his butt while in a sitting position, right? My son did that too, we thought it was hilarious! He did that before crawling, I would said around 10 months or so, then went to crawling for maybe a month, and then started to walk just before he turned 1. I thought he would NEVER crawl, turns out he nearly skipped over crawling entirely and just moved right into walking. You will probably be surprised at how quickly he catches on and becomes more mobile!
  4. pgmummy

    pgmummy Well-Known Member

    The boot scoot is too cute. You will have to take photos to remember.
    Kids walk at all ages - it's not magic at 12 months. If your doctor is not worried I would not worry either. I've known late walkers (16 months) who have been fine. One of my boys never really army crawled or creeped. He just sat still for quite a few months until he finally figured out crawling. He's also the one who figured stairs out first (up and down) so the fact that he was slow in one area doesn't mean he would be slow with everything.
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    As long as he is mobile, there is nothing to worry about. Many kids don't walk until 15 months or so, with some not even walking until 18 months. And some kids never crawl.
  6. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    My boys did an army crawl and drag crawl for the longest. In fact, they didn't do a traditional hands/knee crawl until close to the time they started walking which was at 14.5 months. Mobility is mobility...try not to worry. The "scoot" sounds adorable though.
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I am not aware that it's a problem later!! I have seen a few interesting ways of motoring along! (Make sure to get video!!)
    Hang in there!! :hug:
  8. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    My DD is a scooter. I have been told by her physical therapist that scooting isn't a problem. However, they do like to see them crawl because it helps build their hip joints. It helps later on with weight bearing (i.e. walking).

    She is really, really fast at scooting. She is able to crawl and we encourage it as much as possible, but she still prefers to scoot (for the most part).
  9. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sharongl @ Feb 23 2009, 03:28 PM) [snapback]1201369[/snapback]
    As long as he is mobile, there is nothing to worry about. Many kids don't walk until 15 months or so, with some not even walking until 18 months. And some kids never crawl.

    Ditto this. Some kids crawl, some kids bottom shuffle, some kids bear walk (walk on hands and feet, with their butts stuck up in the air), and some will do two or three of these things.
    I've never heard of bottom shuffling being a sign of anything bad or a problem within itself.
  10. sthomas81

    sthomas81 Well-Known Member

    My DD also butt scooted and was very fast also. I worried just like you did because she was also on the later side doing things but you will be amazed that in just a few months your DS will probably be everywhere whether it be traditional crawling or walking. Try not to worry.
  11. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Ainsley scooted on her bottom too, it was so cute! She was in physical therapy with EI at the time, and the PT encouraged me to still try to get her to crawl, that it was good for her strength. So, I would still put her on her tummy, which she hated, but eventually, she did crawl, and then walk. She started crawling around 14 months (switched from butt scooting), then walked at 18 months.
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