Bottle Warmers

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by almost5feettall, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. almost5feettall

    almost5feettall Active Member

    Has anyone found or use a really good bottle warmer that warms two bottles at the same time? Or mybe even one that is good for one at a time but works really well?

  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    No. :( When my two were small and needed them we went through about three and just couldn't find one we liked and warmed up the bottles to a perfect temperature... then we started using the microwave. :eek: That's on the "not to do list", I know, but it worked great. :blush:
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't have a bottle warmer at all. I just boiled water in a pot on the stove during the day and put the bottle in and did that for night too when I was pumping. Once I stopped pumping for nighttime, I just left the water out so it was room temp, and added the formula when they woke up.
  4. melthoreson

    melthoreson Well-Known Member

    In the book "Twin Sense" it recommends using a crock pot with water in it as a bottle warmer. I think I'm going to give it a go . They say it works a lot better and faster than a bottle warmer and you can have it plugged in all day.
  5. lilalyshia

    lilalyshia Well-Known Member

    I didnt think of the crock pot sounds like a good idea, but i did the microwave too, i know its on the DONT DO but it worked for me ha
  6. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    I work at a daycare and in our baby room they use a crock pot to warm the multiple bottles at a I was thinking of doing that same thing. The pot is always plugged in so the water is always warm and ready to go.
  7. CarleyWC

    CarleyWC Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(krisdeb04 @ Mar 2 2009, 05:03 PM) [snapback]1211594[/snapback]
    I work at a daycare and in our baby room they use a crock pot to warm the multiple bottles at a I was thinking of doing that same thing. The pot is always plugged in so the water is always warm and ready to go.

    I'd never heard of that, what a great idea, especialy for multiples!!!!
  8. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    When warming bottles of EBM we would fill the bathroom sink with really hot water and leave them in their for a while. With formula bottles we would heat them in a glass jar in the microwave. Didn't find a double bottle warmer....maybe you should make one and try and make some bucks!!
  9. nutty-mom

    nutty-mom Well-Known Member

    I put my bottles in hot water in the sink. It didn't take to long to heat up. I have used the bad microwave a few times.
  10. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    I used the night and day bottle warmer with my son and loved it for middle of the night feedings so i didn't have to move from bed (kept it on the night stand) I no its a no-no but I did use the microwave for him during the day.

    I already bought the bottle warmer again (used on ebay) but I am definatly going to try the crock pot idea! That sounds so convienent!
  11. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We got a bottle warmer for our shower but never used it. We just took a pot and filled it with hot water and used it to warm up bottles.
  12. JenCE

    JenCE Active Member

    I had to supplement with my daughter and I used a mini crock pot "lil Dipper". Just left it plugged in on the ocunter. You have to be careful because it works REALLY well; If you get distracted it overheats the bottle quick then you have to cool it down. (I think you can buy a generic version for around $10 at walmart or the like)

    I also used the microwave- I would just shake the sh** out of the bottle to make sure there were no hot spots. (This was when she was older and bubbles/gas weren't a concern). This time I think I will use powdered formula and just mix bottles as needed using room temp boiled water. When they get older I think the warm water spout on a water cooler would work well.
  13. almost5feettall

    almost5feettall Active Member

    :good: Thanks so much ladies. DH and I decided to try to crock pot idea. We could use one for cooking anyway. I'll let you know how it goes!

    ~ Danielle ~

  14. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the crockpot idea. If our bottle warmers that I got used don't work well we have a great alternative for night time.
  15. doublej's

    doublej's Well-Known Member

    Good idea!!
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