Bottle to Sippy

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by emcavaco, Sep 8, 2008.

  1. emcavaco

    emcavaco Active Member

    My name is Emily, mom to 13 month old twin boys. They are great eaters, love their milk now that we've completely switched from formula and no health issues really (besides ear infections, but that's a whole other story...)

    What I'm wondering is now that we are on milk how do we just change from bottles to sippy?

    They are completely on table food - three meals a day and snacks if they didn't eat very much at their meal or look like they need a little something between meals, but primarily I guess you can say the milk bottle feedings kind of serve as our snacks right now. They are very good with the sippy - been using it since they were about 7 months or so and they drink water with the cup during meals.

    This is our current schedule:

    7:00 - Bottle
    9:00 - Breakfast
    10:00 - Nap
    12:00 - Lunch
    2:30 - bottle
    3:00 - Nap
    5:00 - Dinner
    7:30 - Bottle

    So, do we just have milk in sippies during meals instead of giving bottles and then do snacks during what was bottle time or.... do we keep them with water during meals and make milk in sippies with some little muchies a snack.

    Sounds crazy I'm sure, but this is driving me crazy... not sure how to approach it and want to make sure we get to the right about amount of milk intake and not mess up their table food intake b/c they are doing well at this. Anyway, gotta run, boys are up and jumping around the cribs :) Thanks ahead of time for your help!
  2. emcavaco

    emcavaco Active Member

    Forgot to ask.... do we go cold turkey or do it gradually and the boys still get their bottles slitghtly warmed, won't take them cold... so I'm thinking that might be an issue too... anybody else run into this one?
  3. amoneil

    amoneil Member

    My guys are off bottles during the day, but still have a warm bottle before bed. I switched cold turkey and they seemed to do ok. I have tried a couple times to give a sippy before bed, but they seem to prefer the bottle... helps them wind down and relax. I figure I have some time to wean they from this. Wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be. Good Luck!
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Yes, we did milk in sippies at the times they were suppose to have had a bottle. I also offered juice in sippies with meals.
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