Both Kids are sick

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Birchbeer6, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. Birchbeer6

    Birchbeer6 Well-Known Member

    My son (4 next week) has had a fever for a week....since last friday he has been at the drs. office 3 times in a week....this last visit, Dr was worried his cold symptoms turned into pnemonia, gave him a breathing treatment and sent him for chest xray and blood work..Xray came back normal now waiting for the blood work results. Fever finally went away on sat...and he actually started to play yesterday.....but getting tired and whiney very fast.... Now tonight right before bed, he was screaming that his ear hurts....What the heck is going on???? now my daughter (4 next week) has had on and off fever for 2 days with really no other symptoms!! I cant take no more, I cant stand when they are sick and I cant help them!
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm sorry they've been so sick. Usually a fever for several days indicates a virus, and there's no meds for a virus, it just has to run it's course. You treat the symptoms as best you can and wait it out. Takes a week to 10 days I think for a virus to run it's course. Alternate tylenol and motrin (every 3-4 hrs each one) to help the fever. Lukewarm bath's for fever too.

    The ear pain is probably an ear infection, it wouldn't hurt to get it checked. Until then, motrin for the pain (if you are alternating it for the fever it'll help), and you can warm up a small bit of oil (baby oil, vegetable oil....whatever you have), in the microwave. Just a small bit at a time you just barely want it warm, and put a drop or two in the ear. A heat pack (like a rice pack) on the ear can help with pain too.

    :hug: Hope they feel better soon!
  3. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    I agree with the ibuprofen. My kids will take the chewable tablets. We just finished two rounds of strep throat (20 days of antibiotics!) in our kids. The ibuprofen really help my son sleep, since his throat was very painful.
  4. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Could the ear pain he is screaming about be ear pressure? My whole family (mom, me, DH, and both kids) have had this cold, and we have all had crazy ear pressure in addition to the congestion and mild fever. My DS, who had it first, kept saying his ear hurt and we had him checked for an ear infection. Once DH and I came down with it, we figured out that the pain he was mentioning was probably pressure.

    If it IS ear pressure, you could try a hot washcloth, warm things to drink, etc. in addition to the painkillers. Advil really has been helping me.
  5. Birchbeer6

    Birchbeer6 Well-Known Member

    Well I got him to the Drs. this am....and low and behold he does have ear infection (first one ever) and they are treating him for pnemonia even though his xrays came back he is on antibiotcs now!!! hope he will feel better soon he had a school trip on Friday!!!
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