Both breech at 32 weeks - any chance of them turning?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by NaturallyBaby, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. NaturallyBaby

    NaturallyBaby Well-Known Member


    Just back from a BPP and they are both still breech. I really want a VBAC, or at least the opportunity to try! So, here's what I'm doing:

    -Acupuncture with Moxa
    -Homeopathic pulsatilla
    -Chiropractic using the Webster technique
    -Inversions as outlined on
    -flashlight and music

    I've only started these in the past week, but will keep them up for at least another 1-2 weeks, and then will work on accepting a planned c-section.

    Any other words of advice or suggestions?
  2. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My girls turned 4 days before they were born - they were born at 38weeks 4 days so they turned at 38 weeks - they were 6.8 and 6.9 pounds so they were good size! We scheduled a c-section months before they were born and at 36 weeks it was found that both were heads down! so my dr told me that instead of a c-section I could be induced if they stayed that way! we all thought they would since it was so late in the game! NOPE! I was checked at exactly 38 weeks and they had turned to breech (baby A) and transverse. and were the same the morning of my scheduled delivery so c-section it was! Just because you are 32 weeks doesn't mean they won't turn - they may! good luck!!!
  3. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    You've got plenty of time for them to turn. I think mine turned around 36 weeks. I had a c-section for other reasons, but they were vertex.
  4. KStorey

    KStorey Well-Known Member

    Im at 35 weeks and these babies are still turning. They have been in a different position each scan!!! Our last scan showed them both breech. Baby A turned a couple of days later to vertex and I'm pretty certain that it turned back to breech last night while watching big bang theory!! Not a pleasant feeling but they obviously still have room to move. I'm hoping to delivery without c/s but like you it might be a case of see what happens on the day. Good Luck
  5. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    Mine had flipped every 2 weeks at our ultrasounds - you have plenty of time still. I delivered at 39weeks.
  6. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My fingers are crossed that they will turn for you!! :babyflips: good luck! I hope you can have that vbac!
  7. MomofOneplusTwins

    MomofOneplusTwins Well-Known Member

    My Baby B was still flipping around during my 37th week! I made it to 38 weeks for a scheduled section!

    Good luck!
  8. NaturallyBaby

    NaturallyBaby Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! It's great to hear that they can still flip....the OB's I've seen haven't been very hopeful. :(
  9. nicolerodo

    nicolerodo Member

    Hi I am 33 weeks as well, last week Baby A was head down. The week before breech, and for 30 weeks before that head down. At 31 weeks when the baby turned breech, I asked what the chances were that he would turn, they said not I am 33 weeks, unless he changed from Thursday baby A is head down... but I don't know. I think we have time. The hardest part is not having a plan, when I found out I was pregnant with twins, for some reason I thought it would be more planned out than my other two deliveries. But nope, if anything it is worse because I am so big I feel like I could just give birth at any minute. If mine turn breech I will try some of the methods that you are, so please update:)

  10. EricaM

    EricaM Well-Known Member

    I dunno, but mine turned in between my 31 and 35 week ultrasounds... and at this point, I can't remember which WAY they turned, since I had a c-section anyway! But it's definitely still possible, so don't listen to anyone who says it's too late, or there isn't enough room!

    Good luck!
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