Both boys have asthma& big has pneumonia

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by momlissa, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    So we have all been sick for the past few months. The kids have been coughing a lot, but it comes and goes and honestly, when they got this newest cold, I wasn't sure if it was still the old one or a new one starting...

    We took Sofia to the pedi's yesterday after her coughing had intensified, only to discover that she has pneumonia. I felt sooo bad. I had no idea. She also has a raging ear infection I had no idea about. This is my "never sick" child and she's one sick little puppy. She's on antibiotics and seemed a bit better today. Her temp was pretty high last night, but she seems like she's on the mend.

    The boys were wheezing pretty badly, so took them in today only to discover they also have ear infections and pretty bad asthma. We did nebulizer treatmenets and have a machine at home now. I have asthma myself, so feel really badly about this as well.

    So, giving the twins nebulizer treatments was in a word, horrible. William screamed through the the whole treatment and David started out ok, but then screamed even more than William had, to the point of my having to hold his arms down. Poor baby. :( William sounds really bad, even after the treatment, but his oxygen level was ok, so [shr] We go back tomorrow, so not sure what will happen if he's not better. One funny thing, Sofia called the nebulizer a "washing machine."

    I knew when Sofia started preschool that this could happen, that we'd get slammed with the sickies, but I honestly didn't think it would be this bad. If she didn't love it so much, I'd seriously reconsider sending her. This is all a bit much, this constantly sick thing. Steve is also sick and I'm feeling like I may be the next one in line (I just got through my own sickness and astha exacerbation)

    No one said this was going to be easy!!

    On a lighter note, David is standing!! I call him scrappy!

    Also, a very funny incident in the pedi's office...

    I've only been a parent for a little over 2 years, but what happened today was definitely the funniest thing that has happened as of yet in my little parenting world.

    At the pediatrician's, we had to weigh the boys (William is a whole lb more than David, which I suspected) So, we weigh William first and Steve is holding him as I place David on the scale, with Sofia at his side. I'm intently looking at David's weight when I hear a shriek of unprecedented magnitude. I turn to find Sofia, her entire face dripping wet and crying as if she was in unimaginable physical pain. William had peed on Sofia, a straight shot into her face. :eek: I should have tried to comfort my completely freaked out daughter, but I was too busy laughing hysterically. I literally could.not.stop.laughing. People were staring at us, as they do anyway in the "oh my god, those poor people" way, but now they were staring because we were making a scene. I mean, my daughter was shrieking and I was laughing uncontrollably, I'm sure people were like what a bunch of nutjobs. :lol: Sofia just added to the scene by yelling at the top of her lungs "No William! No pee over ME!"

    It took a good 5 minutes to calm her down, I think the whole thing was pretty traumatic for her...understandable...don't think she expected that and I suspect some of it got in her eye. I have a feeling we are going to be hearing about this for many months to come....
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry about the sickies. I hope they feel better real soon.

    I'm sorry for Sofia, but I laughed at the story too! Ewwwww, but kinda funny!!
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Sorry about the sickies! As far as the neb goes, have you tried just holding the tube part up to their face(without the mask), or letting them chew on it? My babies always hated the mask but did fine without it.
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry to hear everyone is sick and then asthma to boot!! :hug99: Oh, and the pee story is funny, but yes, does hold the gross factor because it was her face!! :) I still smile when I think of Clayton peeing on daddy's stomach in the hospital when he was a day old! Oh man did that hurt laughing to hard!
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    :love0028: Sorry they are all sick. I hope they perk right up soon.
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry your kiddos aren't feeling well. I hope the meds help them. No advice for the neb treatments, just some :love0028: for your kiddos.

    You should write that story down in a baby book or something. I'm sure your little lady will like to torture William with that story when they get older ("I get the last piece of cake because remember the time you PEED on me!!!").
  7. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the nebulizer tips. I have a friend who told me to put on Baby Einstein, going to try that as well.

    Yeah, the pee story will definitely go down in the hall of fame and on my blog. Sofia is already saying "Weeyam pee on me." Not exactly something you want to hear your preschool saying, but hey, she's just saying what happened, right? :D
  8. Mimsy

    Mimsy Well-Known Member

    Ah Melissa, you guys could surely use a break. Do you have to daily treatments with the boys, or only when they are sick? If it is regularly, I hope that they get used to them soon, so it will be easier on all of you.
  9. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Mimsy @ Nov 30 2007, 03:42 PM) [snapback]515341[/snapback]
    Ah Melissa, you guys could surely use a break. Do you have to daily treatments with the boys, or only when they are sick? If it is regularly, I hope that they get used to them soon, so it will be easier on all of you.

    Hi Mimsy!!

    It's only when they are sick, so just for right now.

    God I hope it's not daily, that would be awful. Not only is it hard, but it cost $75 for the prescription and my insurance is pretty good about stuff.
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry that they are so sick!! I hope everyone is feeling better now!! :hug99:

    Oh my goodness!!! you will be hearing that one FOREVER!!! I feel sorry for Sofia but I would have had the same reaction as you did! :rotflmbo: !
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