Both boys are sick and sleep is AWFUL

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by silver_stardust, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    Both boys are sick with really bad head colds - sneezing, coughing, drainage .. etc. The coughing is the worst and just won't quit. One of the boys hasn't got sick all over the place because he's been coughing so much and so hard. Took them in and the dr. gave them something to help them breath but it isn't doing much. We have a cool mist humidifier for babies and have been using baby vicks rub and the plug in, too. We haven't got much sleep here and the naps are terrible. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make them feel better! I hate this time of the year. :grr:
  2. ainsleyr

    ainsleyr Well-Known Member

    Ugh, I'm so sorry to hear that both guys are sick. And the vomiting is awful - one of my girls was like that last week, coughing and crying so much that she threw up. I have no advice to give, because you are doing everything right, just lots of moral support! :hug: Hope you manage to get some sleep, & I hope that as the boys feel better they start taking a nice, long middle of the day nap for you! :)
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    so sorry! I can't stand it if they just have stuffy noses, let alone all the rest of the stuff! hopefully they get better soon.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am sorry to hear that both boys are sick :hug: I hope they make a speedy recovery, so everyone can get back to good sleeping!
  5. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    :hug: I'm sorry. It's hard... especially when both are sick. Are you able to get some help so that you can get a break?
  7. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :( Sounds like you are doing everything to try and help them. :hug: :hug: I hope everyone starts feeling better really soon. :grouphug:
  8. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Mine were like this a few weeks ago. I can totally relate--sleep whenever you can. You will probably be in survival mode for a few days, but things will get better soon. I'm wishing the boys a speedy recovery.
  9. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: that totally sucks! i hope they get better very soon & everyone can get some much needed sleep. :hug:
  10. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Did they give you a neb for the breathing difficulty with coughing? They really shouldn't be coughing until they throw up. If this keeps up, I'd take them in and ask for a neb.

    I'm sorry this is happening, how horrible.

    They can have Benadryl at nap and bedtime for coughs. UGH.

    Summer.. where are yoU?
  11. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    There are various reports that say giving dark honey for coughs works just as well as the otc treatments.


    I purchased buckwheat honey from The Fruitful Yield awhile back when my boys had colds and it did seem to help them sleep better. The honey coats their throats and helps with the coughing.

    Regular honey will work, but the darker the honey the better.

    I gave each of them 1 teaspoon before nap and bedtime.

    I hope they feel better soon.
  12. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    Yikes! That's crazy about the vicks. Neither of the articles mention the vicks baby rub. I use the less potent version I guess, not the regular vicks vapor rub for adults. I'm definitely going to ask the pedi about that. I haven't noticed any changes in breathing as far as slowing or increasing with either of boys during the times that I used it so I feel okay about it.

    The dr did give them albuterol in the liquid form and I'm not so sure that it's really helping all too much. He did say that if they are not better by the end of the week to bring them back is so I'll talk with DH tonight and see what he thinks.
  13. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    We just have the albuterol as prescribed. I'm thinking that if I end up taking them back in tomorrow that they will do the neb treatments. And I never thought to ask about benadryl...he told me to give them tylenol. Hmmm...

    And summer better hurry soon!
  14. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    [quote name='Izak&Aaden's_mommy' date='21 January 2010 - 01:30 PM' timestamp='1264098645' post='1561410']
    Yikes! That's crazy about the vicks. Neither of the articles mention the vicks baby rub. I use the less potent version I guess, not the regular vicks vapor rub for adults. I'm definitely going to ask the pedi about that. I haven't noticed any changes in breathing as far as slowing or increasing with either of boys during the times that I used it so I feel okay about it.

    The dr did give them albuterol in the liquid form and I'm not so sure that it's really helping all too much. He did say that if they are not better by the end of the week to bring them back is so I'll talk with DH tonight and see what he thinks.
    Is in liquid form I think you are using a nebulizer. The other (puff) form works less for my boys.

    How often do your boys take the albuterol? When ours are sick, they say up to every 4 hours around the clock if needed.

    Here is what SHOULD happen with the Albuterol treatments. If you are not noticing any of this, I’d at least call the doc:

    Coughing does not go away but at least lessens a little bit after the treatment. Gradually gets worse again as time goes by (ours did if they need it every four hours).

    If they are having quick breathing, labored breathing at all this should be better. If they continue to have this, of course, call the doc.

    Are you suctioning their noses and using saline, etc to help with the suctioning? I know it is a PAIN, but any gunk you can keep from dripping down their throat will reduce the coughing. Our boys hate, hate hate being suctioned, but it does seem to help the amount of coughing bit.

    It is not that unusual for kids to puke from coughing. Both of our IDS inherited a sensitive gag reflex, so it almost always happens when they get colds. They also have asthma. Controlling the asthma and cough symptoms reduces the amount of times (change) of them puking when coughing, though it still happens. However, if it is unusual for YOUR kids definitely keep an eye on it.

    Our boys also have reflux which makes their asthma worse… vicious cycle.

    If it is in liquid form
  15. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    I called the dr clinic because their cough is not getting better. They prescribed an antibiotic so hopefully that will kick this thing in the bud. I cannot believe how much they are coughing. The one is still trying to hold his coughs back; I cannot imagine how bad his little tummy hurts, let alone his throat. And the other threw up again. This is just awful. They are to take that along side the albuterol which is 3x daily. Man, I hate it when the week runs out and the illness isn't better, leaving you only with the ER if things don't improve. I may be in for a long weekend. :cry:
  16. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for that link! I think it's really interesting that some old home remedies are actually based on good medicine. My mother used to give me a honey/lemon drink with a splash of whiskey when I had terrible coughs as a child. I'm not sure if pediatricians would recommend the whiskey these days, but I have fond memories of sipping that warm drink and drifting off to sleep. ;)

    [quote name='Izak&Aaden's_mommy' date='21 January 2010 - 09:33 PM' timestamp='1264127587' post='1561856']
    I called the dr clinic because their cough is not getting better. They prescribed an antibiotic so hopefully that will kick this thing in the bud. I cannot believe how much they are coughing. The one is still trying to hold his coughs back; I cannot imagine how bad his little tummy hurts, let alone his throat. And the other threw up again. This is just awful. They are to take that along side the albuterol which is 3x daily. Man, I hate it when the week runs out and the illness isn't better, leaving you only with the ER if things don't improve. I may be in for a long weekend. :cry:

    I'm so sorry your guys are so sick still! I really hope they get better before the end of the day. :hug:
  17. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    [quote name='Izak&Aaden's_mommy' date='21 January 2010 - 09:33 PM' timestamp='1264127587' post='1561856']
    I called the dr clinic because their cough is not getting better. They prescribed an antibiotic so hopefully that will kick this thing in the bud. I cannot believe how much they are coughing. The one is still trying to hold his coughs back; I cannot imagine how bad his little tummy hurts, let alone his throat. And the other threw up again. This is just awful. They are to take that along side the albuterol which is 3x daily. Man, I hate it when the week runs out and the illness isn't better, leaving you only with the ER if things don't improve. I may be in for a long weekend. :cry:


    When did they 1st start coughing/getting sick? if it has been more than a few days and it isn't getting better today or is getting worse, do you have an option of taking them into the clinic so their lungs can be listened to, just to make sure bronchitis, bronchiolitis, or pneumonia aren't setting in?

    They will probably be fine, just being nervous for you the way I would be for my boys. And I'm with you.. I'd avoid the ER if at all possible.

    I hope they are mending and the antibiotics are doing the trick!
  18. Teri2840

    Teri2840 New Member

    Sick babies are NO fun - we're just getting over a cold here too. Our doctor also told us about the buckwheat honey (they sell it at whole foods and wegmans near us) and that has helped some.

    Our nightly 'sick' routine is 1 tsp of honey, then a long bath in a steamy bathroom (let the water run for a while before hand), then the saline nasal spray followed by the sucker to clear them out; and then warm milk and bed with the humidifier cranked.

    Hope they feel better soon!!!!
  19. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    The boys seem to be on the mend. This cough has been something else! I'm sure my boys both have 6 pack abs after that bout. Izak doesn't even want to cough anymore, trying so hard to hold it in. I've never heard of the buckwheat honey so I'll have to look that up for next time. I was under the impression that LO's shouldn't have honey until at least after the age of 2???

    And of course, from all of the coughing the boys have been doing, I'm now sick. ugh. Hopefully it won't wreak havoc on me and my DH won't get it. Summer, o' summer, where art thou?
  20. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    [quote name='Izak&Aaden's_mommy' date='23 January 2010 - 11:00 AM' timestamp='1264269645' post='1563126']
    The boys seem to be on the mend. This cough has been something else! I'm sure my boys both have 6 pack abs after that bout. Izak doesn't even want to cough anymore, trying so hard to hold it in. I've never heard of the buckwheat honey so I'll have to look that up for next time. I was under the impression that LO's shouldn't have honey until at least after the age of 2???

    And of course, from all of the coughing the boys have been doing, I'm now sick. ugh. Hopefully it won't wreak havoc on me and my DH won't get it. Summer, o' summer, where art thou?

    i'm glad to hear things are getting better - although i'm sorry to hear you're coughing now. :hug:

    honey isn't supposed to be given until after 1 year because of the risk of infant botulism. after a year old, their intestines are mature enough to kill the botulism before it causes problems. so give as much honey as you would like!
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