Both babies in Transverse position

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by smiley7, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to see if anyone out there is in the same position. I am 32 weeks pregnant with fraternal twins and at my OBs today the babes are still in transverse position. Baby B has been that way from the very beginning and baby A was transverse then turned breech and then flipped back to transverse. What are the odds of them turning at this point?

    Honestly i'm a little scared of the whole c-section thing. Will I be able to take them to their doc check-up 72 hours after being released? Will I be able to hold them breastfeeding? Can I get up to change diapers?? Any c-section survivors out there.... honestly is it as bad as it sounds? :gah:

  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had a c-section. I was in the hospital for 5 days after the procedure, there was a pediatrician on call that would look at them daily. I took them to their first appointment with our pediatrician when they were 7 days old (2 days out of the hospital). The first day I did not get out of bed to change diapers but by the second I could get up (gingerly) and change diapers. I did not breastfeed but I would think you would be able to hold them.
    It's normal to be nervous about the c-section but if you do have one, it's not as bad as you think it would be :hug:
  3. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Both my babies went transverse at 35 weeks. They stayed that way until delivery at 37weeks 5 days. Baby A was just wedged very cozily in my pelvis. I had a previous vaginal delivery, so I was in the same boat as you being disappointed to not be able to attempt vaginal delivery of the twins. My c/s experience was a fairly positive one. Probably the only negative was the drop in bp after my 2 spinals (first didn't take enough) I was pretty much passed out on the table until I heard the first baby cry. The recovery went smoothly enough. I needed help to set the twins up for bfing regardless, so I don't think the c/s made that any different. By day 3 or 4 I was setting them up for tandem bfing by myself. Unfortunately my little girl couldn't stand the mutual let down caused when her twin brother would nurse along with tandmen bfing didn't go over too well. I also needed to supplement them because of their weight not being enough... little princess couldn't deal with going back and I had the unique experience of exclusively bottle feeding one baby and exclusively nursing the other one after about week 5 or so. You won't be allowed to drive immediately after the c/s, but hopefully you can find someone who can drive you. Picking up the babies shouldn't be an issue, so long as you aren't trying to lift them while they are in their infant carriers. (those suckers are heavy!)

    BTW in case you are considering having more... I've had 1 successful vbac since my c/s, and am planning a 2nd vbac in February. So don't be discouraged that the c/s is the only route you can take from here on out...
  4. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    Both of mine were transverse at around the same time as you. I was told it was unlikely they would move anymore, that it would be hard for both of them to flip around from that position. Turns out they did - but to be both breech. I was actually a little relieved because I was opting for the c-section all along. My c-section recovery was fine. It was difficut the first couple days in the hospital, but that was mainly because I had pre-eclampsia and couldn't get out of bed for 2 days. Once I finally did it was very hard and very painful to move and get up. And if somebody had asked me your question at that time "is it as bad as it sounds?" I would have said YES, YES, YES! But being up and moving really helped a lot, so I'm sure the sooner you're able to do it, the easier it is. By the third day in the hospital I was up and moving as if I hadn't had surgery. Yes it was painful and I had to be careful still, but it was tolerable. By the time I left the hospital I was already thinking the experience wasn't that bad and I could do it again.

    As far as recovery at home, I was allowed to lift the babies, but nothing much heavier. I had no problem changing diapers and taking care of them. The hardest part is trying to get enough rest, because even if you feel fine, your body still does need to recover. I was allowed to do stairs and didn't have a problem there, which was one thing I was worried about since our bedrooms are on the second level. I have nothing to compare it to, but I think I would opt to have a c-section the next time too.
  5. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    I'm just preggo with twins now, but had an emergency c-section with my ds. Yes, you will be sore and in some pain...but it gets a lot better after about 36 hours. I had my son spend the nights in the nursery while I was recovering (no one stayed with me at night) but I had him during the day. You just learn to pull yourself out of bed using the bed bars. BFing is a little tricky since you will be very sore both from the pressure of the baby on your incision and b/c your uterus contracts when you nurse. But it's doable. I learned quickly how to football hold and pad my lap with TONS of pillows. By the time I went home from the hospital, I was weak but MUCH better (and I had 12 weeks of bedrest before the c-sec, so I think I am the extreme). I went to Wal-mart to pick up supplies the day I got home and had no issues (other than tiredness, soreness) with my ds' follow-up appnt.

    You'll do great!
  6. HollyP

    HollyP Well-Known Member

    I'm having my second c-section with this delivery, and trust me it's not as bad as it seems. However, I also wanted to let you know I'm almost 35 weeks, and my two fraternals are still swapping their positions. Baby A is always up/down - switches like every 2-3 days whether he wants to be head down or not. Baby A is transverse but keeps flipping right/left. So I think at 32 weeks it could still change for you.
  7. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I had double transverse Id twins. My girls were born at 34 weeks and still hadn't moved. You'll need a driver and someone to carry them to the 72 hour appt due to weight and driving restrictions. I didn't hold them both for the first couple days. After 12 hours I was up and moving well, the sooner you move the better. I'd do it again and will most likely have a c sect with any future babies. I was very afraid of having one natural and then the other csect
  8. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    I have had three sections and have thought they were easy - then again, I have not done the other method. Are you sore after? Yes, but I think it's very easily and effectively managed with pain meds. I have always taken the pain meds like clockwork in the hospital, then quit when I was discharged. No problems feeding bottles immediately (I do not bf), diapering once you get up the first time, etc. Although I'd recommend leaving the diapering to DH, nurses, MIL, etc. - you'll have a ZILLION diapers to change when you get home!

    As previous posters have said, you'll need someone to drive you to the pediatrician. My OB has allowed me to drive one week after my c-sections as long as I wasn't popping pain pills, but he seems to be at the early end of this. I have driven at a week all three times without issue.

    One of my twins continued to flip until 34+ weeks, so I'd say you aren't out of the woods with position changes. Mine did both end up transverse, though.
  9. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    My babies enjoyed the transverse position for most of the pregnancy, but baby A sometimes changed things up flipping to breech/vertex every once in a while. At birth, A was breech; B was transverse. I had zero issues with my c-section and the recovery. I was released on day 5 from the hospital. The only postpartum issue I had was associated with the profound swelling I had during the pregnancy which didn't completely resolve for a few weeks. Each day was better than the one before in that regard. It didn't prevent me from caring for the babies, but the hospital staff was very attentive, as was DH. DH drove me to the pedi on the 6th day for the babies' appt, and my OB said I could drive as long as I was off the pain meds. All in all it was a very positive experience and I'd do it again that way in a heartbeat. Hope your birth experience goes well too! :)
  10. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    Both of my girls were transverse up until the last ultrasound I had on a Thursday during week 33 and had been thinking the whole time we were going to have a c-section. My water broke the next Tuesday at 34 weeks and when my ob checked me the babies were in position to do a vaginal. It was quite a shock after assuming the whole 2nd half of my pregnancy that I'd have a c/s to be told I could do vaginal if I wanted to - she left it up to me. I decided to go vaginal, so there's hope for you yet!
  11. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    One word for tranverse position....Ouch.
  12. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    My c-section experience was a dream. I was very excited when baby A went from transverse to vertex at 32 weeks, but by 35 weeks she turned back and never budged - c-section at 38 weeks. I was bummed. Everyones experience is different. I was in the hospital for 3 days, at home moving gingerly for a week and then up and about. I had a very very easy experience - worst thing was the constipation. Because there were no complications, I breastfed in the recovery area 45 mins after delivery and every 2.5 hours after that. My husband was home for a week to help and my mom came in for 2 weeks. I didnt change diapers the first day but that was awesome because it was that black sticky stuff. My husband was a trooper! :) For me, I used my helpers to assist, but my babes were 5 lbs and I picked them up from the day after on. Just listen to your body I think. :) Good luck - they can turn up until the last minute...turning is not as frequent the later you get but it is definitely possible. Looking forward to your birth story.
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