Books on starting school

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by daisies, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. daisies

    daisies Well-Known Member

    I have a friend who does foster care. she just got a call about two kids who will be with her for a number of months. They are almost 6 (starting K) and 4 (starting pre-school). Neither child has been to school before. She will have them for one month prior to the start of the school year.

    Do you have any recommendations on good 'what to expect a school' books?
    OR things she can do with them in that short time that will be most helpful?

    She will be the 3rd home they will be in in a short amount of time... so they have already recently had major changes in their lives. Heartbreaking to me that anyone so young has to experience so many difficult transitions.

  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Berenstein Bears "Go to school" or "Go Back to School" are good.

    I've been working with my guys on basics (they start preschool tomorrow!) including hygiene (using the bathroom/ getting clothes on and off independently), eating independently (able to open drinks/yogurt/back containers), shoes, etc.

    Academically I'll do the odd preschool workbook with them- they know letters and numbers but if they struggled there, I'd sing ABCs with them. Really they just need to be curious and they'll learn everything; so foster their curiosity is the most important.
  3. kim01

    kim01 Well-Known Member

    I agree on the book recommendation that the pp mentioned. As far as what they need to learn they should be fine they will pick up quickly. I think at this point her just giving them lots of attention and love. Have a consistent home will help them hugely. So if she can just keep being normal and them on a routine of some sort will do wonders for them. I would suggest that she start talking about going to school with them now. She may start talking how they will be gone for a few hours each day, but she will be back to get them at the end of the day. I can only imagine at this point them just being on edge waiting for something else to change. Once they get that she will be back I bet they will pick up on more things. Right now they are probably mentally unstable. So in their mind they need to protect that first. What a great thing your friend is doing. :grouphug:
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  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: I give your friend so much credit and I agree with the previous posters. Two books that my kids love besides anything by the Bernsteins, is also Kindergarten Rocks and Wemberly Worried.
  5. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I love the "Miss Bindergarten" series. It shows the different things a kindergarten class does. It has great, colorful illustrations and they just seem like happy books.

  6. daisies

    daisies Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone for the suggestions!
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