Books for bedtime

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by brandycaviness, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    We have started reading the girls books as part of their bed time routine, but I am tired of Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Does anyone have any suggestions for good bedtime books.

  2. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    Let's see....we have been through several bedtime books b/c they tire of them after a is what we have been through:

    Goodnight Moon (they loved to point out all of the different objects - star, moon, clock, mouse, ..etc)
    The Going to Bed Book (again, they liked to point out different objects)
    Goodnight Baby (they loved to put all of the animals on the farm into bed)
    BunBun at Bedtime (they really love this one! and they still like pointing things out)

    Basically, we pick one and read it every night, until we can tell that they are bored w/ it and not paying as much attention....then we switch to another bedtime book....I'll be interested to see what others have to say as well....
  3. twinmom11

    twinmom11 Well-Known Member

    We do Goodnight Moon, The Big Red Barn, Pajama Time, Time for Bed, I Love You, Goodnight. I am in need of some new bed time book ideas too. These have been well loved, but the kids are definitley ready for new ones.
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I love:
    How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers-has the most beautiful pictures.
    The Going To Bed Book (someone already mentioned) by Sandra Boynton-all her books are such good fun
    One Ted Falls out of Bed by Julia Donaldson-Very cute and it has a counting theme (up to 10 and down again)
    Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball by Vicky Churchill-very sweet story and great pictures
    The baby who wouldn't go to bed by Helen Cooper-another one with great pictures and a fun 'twist', although it is slightly longer so depending on their attention spans you might want to wait on that one.

    Those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head (trying to remember the ones best suited for that age). I'll see if I can remember any more.
  5. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    We like Llama Llama Red Pajama and Guess How Much I Love You.....those have been with us for over a year now and are still good 'go to' books for bedtime. Honestly though, I think the ones my boys really like the best are the Eric Carle ones like Brown Bear, Brown Bear (I know, the one you're tired of!). They like all of those, though...Baby Bear, Baby Bear...Polar Bear, Polar Bear......I think they just really like the bright and big illustrations.

    ETA: Also I'll Love You Forever and Goodnight Sun, Hello Moon (if you're tired of Goodnight Moon). Plus we don't really worry about whether it's specifically a 'bedtime' book....whatever catches their attention on that particular night works for me, even if it has nothing to do with going to bed. Oh yeah, Rainbow Fish is another favorite.
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We don't have specific bedtime books. Every night they go to their bookshelf and pick out 2 books each and that is what we read. When they were younger I used to read Good Night Moon.
  7. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    We are starting to get quite the collection of Sandra Boynton books! :) But it seems like they're just long enough & keep their, I think they're adorable. Pretty much any of hers we like. But our favorites are:

    The Going to Bed Book
    Snuggle Puppy
    Barnyard Dance
    What's Wrong, Little Pookie?
    Pajama Time
    Birthday Monsters
    Hey! Wake up (which is funny for bedtime, but they love it)
  8. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

  9. ksugal

    ksugal Well-Known Member

    I don't have specific bedtime books per se. I have a stack of about 10-12 of the the really nice books that I like. I keep those up on top of their dresser so they can get to them and destroy them.
  10. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(brandycaviness @ Apr 16 2008, 02:15 PM) [snapback]724650[/snapback]
    We have started reading the girls books as part of their bed time routine, but I am tired of Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Does anyone have any suggestions for good bedtime books.


    We read any of their books. Brown Bear, Brown Bear is still a favorite of theirs. Of course, after that story Polar Bear, Polar Bear usually follows!
  11. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    For bedtime, my girls love GoodNight Moon and, GoodNight Gorilla, and I Like it When... by Mary Murphy.
  12. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    Like Bridgeport and Trish, we don't have specific books that we read only for bedtime, just whatever we feel like reading, or they pick out. One great way to find books that they love and you enjoy reading over and over is to check them out from the library first. My boys love going to the library and choosing 4-5 books. We've discovered some real favorites that way, and also some that looked good, but were no fun to read or listen to that I was glad we hadn't bought!
  13. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I second anything by Sandra Boynton....
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