Body rash while teething?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinboymomma, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. twinboymomma

    twinboymomma Well-Known Member

    One of my guys has a rash on his face, neck and torso. I am pretty sure there are some teeth coming through, but does a rash like this sound like something that goes with teething? There has been no change in laundry soap, no new foods or anything like that.
    Any thought?
  2. LindyFrog

    LindyFrog Well-Known Member

    What does it look like? Is it raised? Do you have a picture?
    I am asking this because my daughter just finished with a rash that ended up being hives as a result of a cold virus- just her body's way of manifesting the virus at the end. It was nasty, all over, and even bruised her. It was so bad that they did blood work to make sure she did not have any blood disorders. Nothing was wrong...she just had hives, but I have never seen hives like this before.
  3. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    One of my kids now has the roseola virus, which starts out as a fever for several days then the fever leaves and the child gets a red rash. Has your DC had a fever recently? Just a thought. I've never heard of a rash while teething, but what do I know.

  4. twinboymomma

    twinboymomma Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your input. No I don't have a picture, but he did have a fever yesterday. The rash is kind of like a rash you get if you change laundry soap and it doesn't agree with you, but we haven't done this. Little tiny red bumps that are raised a little but not much. It seems a lot less red as it did yesterday though.
  5. LisaJB

    LisaJB Well-Known Member

    I agree with the previous responses that it sounds viral. My DD developed a body rash during one of her teething "episodes" but it was coincidental. I know that some pedi's are dismissive of the notion that even something like a low-grade fever can accompany teething, but mine is not closed minded about such things at all and her answer was still that teething does not cause a body rash at all. Apparently, however, such a rash is very common with a virus, usually at the tail end, as the virus is running its course. I would call the pedi's office and talk to a nurse to be sure they don't want to see you -- you can give a detailed description of the rash and they should be able to tell you whether it sounds like something you should bring her in for. If it's not raised and if she shows no signs of discomfort, it sounds like a typical viral symptom though, that you should see go away in the next day or two.
  6. twinboymomma

    twinboymomma Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your response, I will give it a few days and see what happens. It doesn't seem to bother him, so hopefully it will just go away on it's own. I haven't heard of rashes while teething before either, but it just happened at the same time, so DH and I assumed it may be one in the same. Good to know that they are not.
    Thanks again.

    ETA: I just read the symptoms of Roseola and it pretty much describes it, so I am thinking this is what it may be. I guess we will just wait it out as it seems the worst is over, now just the rash....
    Thank you
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