Bloodwork in early pregnancy

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by LMW1015, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    I just got the call from the OB about my bloodwork. My hcg level is 1197 which the nurse said is about 6 weeks and according to my LMP I'm 5 weeks and 5 days so that looks great. My progesterone is 20.7 and according to the range is 9-47 in the first trimester so that looks good too. My question is - how many people got bloodwork done before their first appointment? Basically I'm wondering because my insurance (Tricare) won't kick in until my DH ships out in a few weeks so we have to pay for the bloodwork out of pocket. I insisted on doing these two tests to make sure all is going well and I'm happy with the results. The billing lady was out so I never found out how much it was going to be (they bill me) and when I asked the nurse when she called back she said the hcg for 1 draw is 71.00! She has to check on the progesterone. My DH is going to fall over! We're living on unemployment right now. :( The nurse said the Doc normally sees patients back in 48 hours for a re-draw on the hcg which is normal and I'd be happy to do if I had insurance but the cost scares me. She's going to talk to the Doc and see if she's good with me waiting for my first appointment or if she'd really like me to come back in. I told her I think if she's ok with me waiting then I'm happy with the numbers and I'm ok with waiting. Is that a good decision or what should I do? I mean the numbers are right where they should be so it doesn't look like I'm looking at multiples. I am hoping I'll be able to do the NT test at 12-13 weeks so I can see the little munchkin before 20 weeks. Anyone have Tricare that knows if they do that? I better go lay down for a bit longer before the twins get up. The nausea and the tiredness has really set in.
  2. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I have never had early bloodwork, so I can't answer that for you. I did however not even go into my OB with my 4th child until I was 18 weeks along. I know I haven't had any infertility issues, but I always try not to worry. Stressing about the issue doesn't help either. I'm sure if everything is fine, you and the baby will be fine! Take a deep breath and enjoy the fact that you are pregnant. How exciting!!! And congrats again.
  3. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    Update - Doc called back and said the progesterone was on the low side of normal so she wants me on Prometrium for 4 months - twice a day. Glad I got it checked. Only bad thing is the cost of course - called Wal Mart and if it's the 100mg it's 114.92 and if it's the 200mg it's 213.00 <_< I SO cannot wait till I am on insurance!
  4. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    I've never had any blood work done until the first appointment. Also I've never been told my hcg or progesterone levels, so hearing every one talk about that stuff is new to me. That stinks that you have to have the meds, but lucky that you found out. I hope your insurance kicks in soon and congrats on your pregnancy!
  5. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    A level of 20 is perfectly normal at this point, but I'm glad he's erring on the side of caution (I had low progesterone with Rebecca). Rebecca was the only pregnancy I had early blood work with. We were having a bit of trouble with conceiving and tests showed low prog. The first cycle I started on the supplements I was preggo. With this baby, I never had the early blood work, they just put me on the prog. as a precaution.
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