Blocks, piggy bank etc

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    At what time did yours twins start playing with blocks, and try to stack them etc? And the piggy bank? So far mine only chew on the coins...

    I wanted to get them some blocks for their birthdays but I guess it might be a while before they actually play with them, and any suggestion on some good ones?
  2. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    My 2 are obsessed with blocks, the FP Piggy Bank, & their chunky wood puzzles. That's all they really want to play with lately.

    I'd say the blocks came around 17 mos. They don't 'build' things, per se, but they like to stack & knock them down...along with dumping them all out & putting them back in the bag :). We have the plain wood ones in various shapes, the big legos (they prefer the wood ones), & the Peek a Blocks (which are hard to stack, but they still like them).

    They didn't get the piggy bank til Christmas (17 mos) but have loved it from the start. I think they played with it at my SIL's around 16 mos, though, & enjoyed it there.

    The favorite gifts from their 1st birthday were their ride on toys, the FP bike that converts to a trike later (but now is like a rocker thing), books, balls, their wagon, their table (which is currently indoors b/c it's so cold outside) & trucks. Maybe that list will help you out a bit....My boys still, to this day, LOVE their shape sorter & stacking/nesting cups. They've loved those since they were sitting up!
  3. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    Our boys at 13 months are just now trying to stack blocks. We have the soft rubber blocks like these. Neither one of them really has the hang of it yet and are either reluctant to let go of it or in to much of a hurry to knock it back down. They do like smashing towers we build.

    They like the mega blocks but they are clicking them together and taking apart things we put together. They play with them at daycare and we just got them out this weekend at home.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    My suggestion would be NON-WOOD blocks at first!! :laughing: They HURT when they get chucked (well the PBK one's we had were really heavy) and they get dinged up. I think there are lighter weight wood one's as well.

    Start with soft one's and see where they are. Mine never really got into it - inspite of all the blocks we have around here!
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