blocked tear ducts

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by vweaver, Aug 24, 2007.

  1. vweaver

    vweaver Well-Known Member

    Did anyone have blocked tear ducts in their babies? My 8 wk old DD has blocked ducts in both eyes. They have a crusty yellow-greenish "goop" around the eyes . I feel like my daughter is dirty. Even when I wipe them, the "goop" sticks to them and I feel like I am hurting her if I go between the eyelashes.

    How long did your blocked tear ducts last? Did you have the same discharge? WHen will it get better??? TIA for all replies!!!
  2. Trillian

    Trillian Well-Known Member

    My DS had it in his right eye and it cleared up around 7 months. His eye was almost always goopy, I just cleaned it with a wet cotton ball . Our ped said most clear up before a year, if it doesn't there's a simple procedure to unblock them but they wait until after a year to do it because the vast majority clear up before that.
  3. infinity62202

    infinity62202 Well-Known Member

    My dd still has it, but it has gotten better.
  4. Mommydee

    Mommydee Well-Known Member

    our pedi also said they usually clear up within a year. both of ours had them, usually just on one side. they said to just wet a washcloth with warm water and kind of massage the inner part of the eye, then wipe outward. if you repeat, use a different part of the cloth. the warmth will feel good the the moisture shoudl loosen the "gook". hopefully she outgrows it soon. i think ours were fine by 4 months or so? i really cna't remeber now!!!!
  5. rachel123

    rachel123 Well-Known Member

    both my DD had it DD1 had a tube put in because we waited until after she was 2 years old for the surgery. DD2 had it at 19months and they only poked it with a metal pole and we have had no problems since. I hope it clears up.
  6. cece19

    cece19 New Member

    QUOTE(vweaver @ Aug 24 2007, 07:21 PM) [snapback]379111[/snapback]
    Did anyone have blocked tear ducts in their babies? My 8 wk old DD has blocked ducts in both eyes. They have a crusty yellow-greenish "goop" around the eyes . I feel like my daughter is dirty. Even when I wipe them, the "goop" sticks to them and I feel like I am hurting her if I go between the eyelashes.

    How long did your blocked tear ducts last? Did you have the same discharge? WHen will it get better??? TIA for all replies!!!

    Hey my twins had the same problem...... their doctor gave them eye drops and it lasted for about a monthor so. She also told me to rub the tear ducts very softly.
  7. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    We are dealing w/ this for the second time w/ Alyssa. I just got some drops today because it is not going away with warm washclothes and massage.
  8. ksugal

    ksugal Well-Known Member

    My boys had/have that. Doc told us at 2 mos that it almost always clears up on its own. But, the bad news is that at 4 mos, doc was concerned with how bad their little eyes are so at 6 mos we'll be referred onto a pediatric opthamologist. The boys had lots of yellowish, green goop for a long time but now it isn't so much the yellow junk. I bet it clears up on its own!!!
  9. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    My guys both had blocked tear ducts. James' lasted about 2 or 2.5 months and Evan's lasted over 3 months. I once put a little polysporin on a cotton ball and wiped it across their eyes on the advice of my family doc (I tried it on myself first, it doesn't sting) but it didn't seem to do much so I figured I'd just ride it out. I just did a lot of eye wiping with wet cotton balls (especially before pictures). The blocked ducts don't cause the baby any discomfort (except the discomfort of having an eye or two glued together after a long sleep and needing a major wipe with a warm-water soaked cotton ball or three). Blocked tear ducts are really common.
  10. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My oldest son had them. We were told warm washcloths & massage. I think it lasted around 6 months. I always felt bad for him, it looked like it would be uncomfortable. I hope it clears up soon.
  11. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    My sons' pedi gave me antibiotic cream to put in their eyes. They had it within the 1st week and were gone in a few days.
  12. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    One of my boys had it about the first 10 days he was home from the hospital. I thought his eye was infected but his actual eye never got red, that's when the ped told me it was his tear duct. I just wiped it with a warm washcloth and it cleared up in a couple weeks.
  13. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    One DD had it till 5 months. If i would get too bad, I put vaseline on it and then wiped it 30 min later. It all came off. I never thought it would dissapear, then suddenly I realized I had not had to deal with it for weeks - and it was gone!
  14. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    Allison had this problem until she was about eight months. It would get really nasty sometimes - just like you described. She still occasionally gets buildup but it is a lot better!
  15. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I have not read the other replies yet so I hope this is not too redundant...

    My DS has blocked ducts. Now, at 3 months, it is considerably better but not quite gone. For the first 3 months it was pretty bad in one eye and was always crusty and runny and sometimes in the mornings it was even crusted shut. I felt much like you do. The ped. said we can massage it to make it better but between diapering and dressing and feeding and attending to everyone's needs the massaging did not get done very often. Like I said, it is considerably better now and almost gone.

    I don't really think it is too big of a deal - my ped said it almost always clears up by one year.

  16. scooterrrd

    scooterrrd Member

    Both girls had blocked tear ducts before they were a month old. They told us to grab some gauze and just slightly dampen it to take away the goobies. It usually clears up on it's own but there is something you can do to hep it. We used our small pinky fingers to massage the inner corner of their eye. I would do it for a few seconds each time I went to nurse them. Just gently around in small circles. They grew out of it soon after they turned one month old.

    Paige and Chloe
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