Bleeding in 1st trimester

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kt0301, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. kt0301

    kt0301 Member

    Hi Ladies,
    I am wondering how many of you had bleeding in your first trimester. We went to the ER last night b/c when I stood up from resting I had a big gush of red blood, no clots. They did an ultrasound first and when the ultrasound tech said there was movement and heartbeats I bursted out crying from relief. By the end of the night, lab results showed a healthy pregnancy, pelvic exam showed cervix is closed and the babies were doing fine on the ultrasound. So why am I bleeding and having mild cramping? The doctor said to talk to my OB (who I am waiting for his call) but gave some general answers like your uterus is growing, etc.
    I have been taking it easy, resting as much as possible, drinking my water. I am still suffering with the vomiting, nauseau, headaches and exhaustion and I'm getting use to those now. The people working at the hospital kept saying it's in God's hands, which obviously I know, but it kind of feels like they know something they are not telling me. They sent me home with paperwork about a "Threatened Miscarriage" and how I should be taking care of myself.
    I feel like I am rambling now but I am so scared and really am thinking this next 7 months are going to be VERY LONG. I guess I am looking for any reassurances from someone who went through this that it can work out with a successful birth. Thanks for any advice or thoughts.
  2. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had bleeding when i was about 8 weeks,. I had a subcutaneous bleeding behind one of the placentas. I was lucky in the fact that it started as I was in the OB's office. But looking at his face as he was sure I was having miscarriage was scary. I was put on 2 weeks of limited activity and not allowed to go to work. I would try and get into your doctor and take it easy.
  3. kt0301

    kt0301 Member

    Thanks Lisa. The doctor called right after I posted and said that the radiologist read the results this morning and has determined that there is a subchorionic hemmorage by baby b. He's put me on a 2 week bedrest. I just had to call my boss and tell him not only was I pregnant but I also have to take off for two weeks. He handled it as well as could be expected.
    So I'm in bed, scared and hoping for the best. My next appt is Tuesday the 28th so hopefully we will have good news.
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had bleeding but it wasn't a subchorionic hemmorage. Every time we had sex I'd bleed for days. The 2nd time it happened I went in for an u/s and found about the 2. It did clear up with pelvic rest. I'd also bleed after a transvaginal u/s every time.

    I'm glad you have some answers and a plan of action (well, rest). Keep us posted!
  5. keirin

    keirin Well-Known Member

    I bled in the first trimester as well. I went to the hospital around 7 weeks with bleeding that was like a period for me - clots and everything. The babies were fine. I continued getting some blood off and on until 14 weeks! Babies never had any problems... So you can bleed and still carry healthy babies to term :) I know it is scary though... I had a miscarriage before this pregnancy and every time I bled I worried about it, but it really was fine.
  6. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That was me. I sill remember making the call to my assistant principal. It was probably the first time I had called him at home, and I had to tell him I would be out for the next 2 weeks.
  7. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I had gushing the whole first trimester and into my second. I had to wear a pad daily because I never knew when it would happen. I made three trips to the ER, all of which I was told my cervix was closed and the babies were fine. My OB told me as long as it stopped within an hour I was fine. I eventually was told no exercise and no sex for the rest of the pregnancy. It was terribly stressful, but it did eventually stop. I was never told why this happened, but my girls were just fine.
  8. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    I spotted for 11 weeks with my twin pregnancy. I had one major gushing episode and went in for an emergency u/s. My doc never new the exact cause, but thought one of the placentas was near a blood vessel. Every time it grew a bit more, I would bleed. I got so used to bleeding that it actually made me anxious when I stopped. Anyway, everything turned out fine. I've heard it's pretty common. GL!!!
  9. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I too had a subchorionic bleed. I woke up around 13 weeks with a feeling I was getting my period. Sure enough, I went to the bathroom and there was the blood. I knew about the bleeds from being on here, but in the moment, I was freaking out. We called the ob and I got in right away that morning, and also got an u/s. We sat and waited until she read the pictures. It was the subchorionic bleed behind one of the babies, and it was small. She told me to take the rest of the week off of work(this was a Tuesday) and to limit my activity. So I did. I went back to work on Friday. I bled again on Sunday, but once I saw the blood, I planted my arse in bed!

    Keep your feet up and if you ever feel uneasy, call the Dr, it's what they are there for! :hug:
  10. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I had bleeding my frist tri as well. I would be standing folding laundry and it would be so bad I could feel it running down my legs and it would pool at my feet. I carried my boys until 37 weeks. Bleeding in the first tri is very common in a multiple pregnancy as your uterus is growing way faster then if you were having a singleton and the added weight can cause bleeding. Try and take it easy
  11. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I had a subchorionic hemorrhage at 9 weeks. My OB told me not to stand more than 2 hours at a time, no sex, and no lifting more than 2 pounds. She did not put me on bed rest, I put myself on bed rest after a couple of weeks of bleeding and freaking out. I noticed that when I was up and about, the bleeding was worse and when I had been sitting or laying the blood was old and brown. I carried our twins to 38 weeks and had a scheduled c section then!

    They also told me that these bleeds are common in twin pregnancies. I am sorry you are having to deal with it, it is very scary.
  12. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    My bleeding was caused by exactly that when I was only 6 weeks and only 3 days after we found out it was twins, I was sure I had lost them. I never went on bed rest for it but the Dr. told me I could bleed a little more even after it seemed to clear up, and I did. I went on with a "normal" pregnancy and delivered 2 healthy babies! Good luck and Congrats!!!
  13. FormerNoCalGirl

    FormerNoCalGirl Well-Known Member

    At 6 weeks or so I had a very similar experience. I was standing in my kitchen and just started gushing blood. Turns out I had a subchorionic hemmorage. I rested for a few days and just took it easy in general for three weeks - no sex, no walking the dogs, but I did go to work (I have a desk job). When it happened I thought for sure it was over and was SHOCKED to find two heartbeats the next day. Somehow no one tells you about these types of things. I went on to spot for about 3 weeks after that, and honestly I started spotting again around 10 weeks which lasted for another 2 - 3. I have no idea why either - everything was normal at that point. It is always so terrifying to see any blood when you are pregnant, but the stories from this board really helped me realize it is common and doesn't always end in tragedy. So don't be alarmed if you continue to spot for quite some time afterward. Just listen to your body. Try to relax as much as possible. I also had mild cramping almost my entire first trimester. It is totally normal. Unless you are floored by the pain, I wouldn't be too concerned.
  14. kt0301

    kt0301 Member

    Thank you for all the shared experiences. It does comfort me to read your similar stories and know that there are successes. So thank you, thank you! I'm on day 3 of bed rest and the bleeding is old and has dwindled day by day. Bed rest is for the birds but knowing that I am doing something that can help my body heal is all I need.
  15. Henderson

    Henderson Well-Known Member

    yep I had a SCH as well, with baby B aswell. It is hard to be on bedrest when you feel good, lol conssider it practice ;) Mine was at 7 weeks so I didn't lift anything over 10 lbs due to that the whole pregnancy! Scared something wouldhappen, so now the babes are 6 weeks I have been lifting some, like them, theircar seats it's funny to think how "soft" I got lol! But just take it easy!
  16. Jillybn32

    Jillybn32 Member

    Twentytoes - I just found your post as I was searching for subchorionic hemorrhage. I too just found out (today)I have a small sch. I am on bedrest for 1 week and will go in to see how it goes. Thanks to the other ladies posting about their sch, it is reassurring to hear from others. How are you doing now? Hope all is well.
  17. MommyJenna

    MommyJenna Member

    I've had bleeding it feels like since finding out and was admitted at the beginning of it all. Since then, it's changed to almost "stained" discharge.
  18. kt0301

    kt0301 Member

    Jillybn and Mommy Jenna-
    I also found it assuring knowing others had been there before and come through it fine. It's still a scary, hold your breath process of waiting though. The last time I posted, I had been on a strict bed rest for 3 days. Since then, I did start bleeding again but nowhere near the initial bleeding. In the same day, it went brownish which I knew was a good sign since brown means old blood so not a fresh bleed.
    I went to my doctor last week for my check up 2 week post diagnosis. The SCH was still there but had decreased in size. The doctor also showed where it was located and it was surrounded by tissue which makes it the best possible place to's not right where the placenta is and also not right by Twin B sac but in the middle.
    At this point, I have had no bleeding and no spotting which has been wonderful. I tell you, from three years of TTC and each month wiping and hoping not to see red and then getting pregnant and then having the same fear of wiping and seeing red...going to the bathroom is really like some kind of traumatic stress disorder....LOL....I'm so scared to wipe when I go!
    I really think taking it easy as much as possible (bed rest or some form thereof), no sex, drinking lots of water and prayers have been the key for me. I will be happy when I pass the 20 week mark because I've read that is the marker for when SCH resolve themselves.
    Good luck and keep us posted here!
  19. The Autumn D

    The Autumn D New Member

    You ladies have bade me feel so much better. I am 11 weeks and have had a couple little spotting incidents - nothing major at all. Then last night we were at some friends' house and I thought I felt a little moisture sitting there chatting. As I stood up, there was a "gush" and a trip to the bathroom revealed panties full of blood that had also gotten through to the pants. Waaaay more blood than before, but no cramping, no clots. Red, but not "bright red" like I had cut myself - different than that.
    I've been monitoring closely wearing a pantyliner and no fresh blood since.
    My first instinct ("google it!") was a HORRIBLE idea. I should have come here first. We have our first OBGYN appt Tuesday - have been under the care of our RE up until this point - and I know the u/s will show all is well with our little friends.
    Thanks for being a voice of reason to a first time mama. You all even calmed me down after google got me all upset.
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