bleeding for the first time and SCARED!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by teafor2, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. teafor2

    teafor2 Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the TMI...

    Hi, I just need some reassurance, even though I know that it is most likely okay. I am 11.5 weeks pregnant, almost made it over that first trimester hurdle without any bleeding! But today there was some brown fluid on my underwear and toilet paper. Looks like dried blood to me, and there's not much of it, but it is still coming out. DH and I made love last night (and it hurt a little). I have been generally uncomfortable all week, with dull and intermittant uterine pain. No cramping though, and no red blood. Should I just not worry? I got so spoiled by my weekly RE ultrasounds, and now I don't get to see the babies until my 15 week appointment :unsure: !
  2. Jenn79

    Jenn79 Well-Known Member

    I would at least call the doctor. It can't hurt and it will ease your worries.
  3. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    I'm sure everything is fine, but if you're worried, I would call your ob (or RE) just for peace of mind... that's what they're there for...
  4. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    Call your OB
    My OB told me that he want to hear from me everything I have a fever or bleeding.
    so Please call your OB. even if that blood is brown.
  5. Kaie05

    Kaie05 Well-Known Member

    Definitely call. That's what they're there for.
  6. teafor2

    teafor2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I've been calling all morning but the line is busy! How annoying!
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