bleeding diaper rash!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    DS has the worst diaper rash. It went from raw pink to blotchy red, and now some of the red parts are even oozing blood. His perineum (I think that's what you call it - the little ridge running from scrotum to anus) looks like someone sliced it open. OW!!!

    So, two questions:

    -Should I call the pedi?

    -What can I do for him? I'm already changing him frequently, slathering on lanolin and then on top of that a layer of butt cream (mix of lanolin, zinc cream, and vaseline), and trying not to give acidic foods.
  2. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I just posted another message about using Dreft for my DS's diaper rash. Check it out. I'm hoping someone can tell me why it worked.

    This DS is two!
  3. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    We also let him hang out in the tub without his diaper and water to let his bum dry. We used Desitin when his diaper was on. And we elimanated milk products, juices, ice tea and corn...we were trying to figure out why he got it. I suspect from drinking some lake water, but who knows. None of my kids can have corn and acidic juices without getting diarrhea.
  4. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    My DS, Conner, is battling some WICKED diaper rash right now, too. I have taken him to our Ped 3 times (1 was actually his 1 yr check up & 1 was to check for a shot reaction, but the other was ONLY for the rash) & I've called the on call service twice (over the weekend while we were out of town). I was changing him every hr & a half or any time I felt he was wet (and obviously immediately with poo). He had been put on antibiotics for an ear infection that caused diarrhea, so I stopped those (with consulting with our doc) since they made the rash worse than anything I had EVER seen.

    We still don't know if it's just a horrid diaper rash, a yeast infection, or a staph infection...or a little of all of the above ;). Right now, he gets a prescription cream for yeast 3 times a day & then Neosporin+Pain Relief with all other diaper changes. It has a slight numbing component that helps him while creating the barrier we need to keep it clean/dry. Prior to that, we were just using Vaseline after a week or so of trying Triple Paste, but none of those helped with the pain. He also gets Motrin and/or Tylenol (at it's worst, we were alternating every 3-4 hrs).

    From all I've learned the past 2 weeks about diaper rash...eliminating foods that could be causing it, frequent diaper changes, air drying, sunshine, & protective barriers (ie vaseline, lanolin, etc) really help. However, once you put a protective barrier on, there's no sense putting medicated lotions or creams on top of it, since you've already created a barrier. Also, if you have a nice, thick barrier cream, there's no need to wipe it off with each change. Just make sure it's clean & add more. If the rash persists, I would most definitely have your son seen. It could be something that could be treated faster than with OTC medications. I usually let our diaper rashes last 3 days & if they aren't improving by then (which they always have in the past), then to the Ped we go!

    Good Luck! Diaper rash is horrible! I DREAD diaper changes now (as does my DS!)!!!!
  5. kristy horner

    kristy horner Well-Known Member

    We've got something like that here with Griffin. I suspect ours is yeast, and have been putting Lotramin AF (generic) on per the ped. It has helped but it's still not gone. I don't get it...baths each night, freq changes, meds, no powder, no new foods.....weird. If it's not totally gone by Friday I'm taking him into the dr. Oh, what did help a lot last night was an Aveeno bath...I just let him sit for about 15 minutes and then coated him with cream about 1/4 in thick!!!!! We also use Huggies Overnights to help keep the moisture away during the long nite..I never have given tylenol/motrin but it's never been this bad. He doesn't cry with it much, just during a change. But, the tylenol couldn't hurt, only help! GL
  6. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    Ouch, poor dear that sounds awful.

    Personally I would call the ped immediately. It sounds too bad to be helped by regular creams.

    Maia had a horrid weeping diaper rash a few months ago. After unsuccessfully trying another cream, nystatin (?), the doctor eventually prescribed a product they use on leg ulcers and second degree burns: Silver sulfadiazine. We alternated applications of that with another, soothing, cream at every diaper rash for a few days. We also gave her long, soap free baths in the evening. It cleared up very rapidly (having gone on and on for a month).

    Good luck clearing it up.
  7. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This happened to Lily a few weeks ago - I took her to the pedi and he told me to get her this Calmoseptine. It is sold at pharmacies behind the counter but you do not need a prescription for it. And one container is about $6. I put the calmoseptine on her *horrible* diaper rash at every diaper change and it was back to normal within 48 hours. It's really really thick cream that creates a barrier that moisture cannot get through - for the price I highly recommend it.
  8. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    I would call - but Lotrimin is GREAT for diaper rash. My pedi recommends it - but it's in the athlete's foot section of the pharmacy - so it seems weird. I would call though, b/c I thought soph had bad diaper rash but i went in b/c it looked a little different and it was a staph infection. easily treated w/ antibiotic cream, too
  9. twins1231

    twins1231 Well-Known Member

    We had really bad diaper rash when the girls about 1.5. I think is was drinking some salt water when we were at the ocean. I didn't like the butt paste, so we switched to aquafor and I swear by that stuff.

    When Emily had a yeast infection around the diaper area we used lotramin and then had to cover it with aquafor so it wouldn't rub off. We tried Nystatin it worked ok. Try diaper free for a while.

    Good Luck. I do swear by aquafor
  10. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    The girls used to get these all the time especially when I was transitioning them to whole milk. This is what I did and what my pedi recommended. Make sure the area is VERY dry before diapering. I bought one of those mini hand held fans that run on batteries to make it go faster, This is helpful when you have squirmy babies that try to get away. Then I slather the open areas with triple antibiotic cream and then dust with baby powder to help keep things dry. It should start to clear up in a day or two. Also, use Triple Cream for bad rashes that aren't open yet.
  11. benderboys

    benderboys Well-Known Member

    Tons of great solutions on this I though I would add mine. James had an awful diaper rash that was weeping and looked like his butt was on fire. The ped said to put Cortisone 10 on it; it would make the inflammation go away and prevent any infection. every frequent diaper change, I would blow on his butt to make sure it was completely dry, put on the Cortisone 10 and a layer of Aquaphor about an inch thich so the diaper wouldn't absorb the cortisone. After it started clearing up, I switched to Triple Paste with the aquaphor on top...triple paste and aquaphor will cure anything...I swear.

    If your floors can stand it, let him go diaper free for a while during the's fun for him and it helps dry up the rash.
  12. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I had a bunch of samples of the Calmoseptine that a PP mentioned, and it was amazing stuff. I believe it's used for weeping bed sores in long-term patients, mostly, so you have to figure it works for bleeding diaper rash....

    Thankfully my little ones haven't had it too bad, but Nadia had a few bouts of horrible rash (esp. after rotavirus, OMG) -- what worked best was going diaper-free as long as possible, and then a thick layer of the Calmoseptine. For a regular rash, I've found plain Desitin or Triple Paste to be most effective...
  13. ksugal

    ksugal Well-Known Member

    I haven't read any of the other replies but when Rotavirus hit our house this winter, J had this EXACT same prob.

    Pedi told us that better than anything was Triple Paste. She was right but there was one step we were skipping. His little tooshy couldn't heal b/c of the open sores. Now, this is going to sound absolutely crazy but here is what we did. Boiled tea bags (just regular old tea) for a couple minutes, out of the hot water to cool completely. Put on his rear (took 2 of us, one holding 5 tea bags to his bottom, testicles, etc and the other to slap the diaper on). Let him sit in that for up to an hour.

    I guess that allows something to happen so the sores aren't open...if the sores are open, the goo (medicated or not) just slips off. Then, we SMEARED and I mean SMEARED Triple Paste on. We used one of those big jars up in like 1.5 weeks. Thick, thick coating. Pedi also told us that you don't have to wipe all that ointment off with each diaper as it is providing a barrier. She was right. Doing all those things sped the recovery time up incredibly. Good luck!!
  14. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Thank you all so much for the ideas! You guys rock. We're gonna nuke this thing one way or another.
  15. AriaGirl77

    AriaGirl77 Well-Known Member

    My girls are just getting over some really nasty diaper rash. I think a lot of the previous suggestions are good!

    We had some Nystatin cream on hand so the on call nurse suggested mixing some of that in the palm of my hand with cordizone cream. Once that's applied she said to put some barrier cream over the top. I've upgraded from Desitin to Triple Paste and I've been really pleased with the results!

    She also suggested putting some baking soda in their bathwater (about 2 Tbl.) and that seems to help a LOT!

    ANGELA SHAW Well-Known Member

    clean him in a sink filled with warm water,
    put him on a towel on the floor let him air dry, put cornstarch on him, dont use anything to clean him except the sink of warm water, the water will get everything off, if its a poop than dump a warm cup of water over his bum untel its all off,
    we had a rash that sounds the same for about a month trying everything in the book,
    this is the only thing that worked, once the cuts blisters were gone we got goats milk diaper cream and that cleared the rest up, the goats milk diaper cream doesnt have anything in it that could bother the skin, we were able to go back to wipes once we started the cream, the cornstarch took about 2 day we used it for 3, good luck
  17. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Buttercup1 @ Aug 4 2008, 08:33 PM) [snapback]913520[/snapback]
    The girls used to get these all the time especially when I was transitioning them to whole milk. This is what I did and what my pedi recommended. Make sure the area is VERY dry before diapering. I bought one of those mini hand held fans that run on batteries to make it go faster, This is helpful when you have squirmy babies that try to get away. Then I slather the open areas with triple antibiotic cream and then dust with baby powder to help keep things dry. It should start to clear up in a day or two. Also, use Triple Cream for bad rashes that aren't open yet.

    I forgot to add that we stayed away from wipes that have alcohol in them (huggies) to avoid stinging and pain and used wash cloths at times to wipe. Instead of wiping, I just tried to "dab" the area clean.
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