Bleeding and scared what is going on

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Babyloves4, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Babyloves4

    Babyloves4 Member

    I am currently 9 weeks pg with twins, and have had some light spotting off and on. I have had 2 u/s one at 6 wks and 6 days all was good, then another u/s due to spotting at 8 weeks and 1 day and still the babies looked great. Now, I have bright red blood only when I wipe. I am going for another u/s tomorrow and to see the doctor. What could be going on? When they did the last u/s the tech did not see any blood around the babies, and said she could not locate where it was coming from. Anyone else been through this in the first trimester? And everything was just fine?

    Thank you ladies

  2. laurajrad

    laurajrad Well-Known Member

    Same thing happened to me. Everything was fine. They finally decided it was probably a burst blood vessel on the cervix. I now have to beautiful, healthy girls. Good luck!
  3. girls429

    girls429 Active Member

    I had the same problem with this pregnancy and a previous pregnancy, i wouldnt worry to much, considering you've informed the doc.. hope all goes well for you
  4. TrishW

    TrishW Member

    Same thing happened to me around 8 weeks, and then again around 10. Had sonos everytime, and they said it was probably the placentas attaching firmly to the uterine wall.

    Try not to worry about it. Believe me, I know how much easier that is said than done! Focus on staying positive. It really is out of your control. Just take care of yourself, and the rest will fall into place. Drink lots and lots of water - your body is working HARD right now and needs that fluid! Get rest whenever you can. Get off of your feet at least a few times a day.
  5. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Yes, I was eight weeks when I went to the bathroom, wiped and got blood it last for about an hour or so. I thought I was having another m/c went in the next day for an U/S and found out it was twins but they told me that around that time is when they implant deeper and many women get spotting. They found no blood around the babies and could not find a reason for it same as you...I went on to have a very uneventful pregnancy and carried them to 39 weeks!
  6. I had it a little with my DD then I had it really bad three times with the twins. It looked like a murder scene the worst time with the twins. They speculated a few reasons, but never knew for sure. Each time the babies were perfectly fine....its strange, but things can be okay!
  7. Babyloves4

    Babyloves4 Member

    Thanks ladies, your replies are helping me to relax. I have just always been told that bright red blood is dangerous, and something has to be wrong. I keep going to check on it, and it is getting a lot lighter. It is not bright red anymore. And I have not had any cramps so that makes me think everything is fine. Does one tend to have more bleeding when pregnant with multiples? I have had 2 singleton pgs and never bled with them.

    Thanks again, you are all so helpful.

  8. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I had spotting with dd #1... bled at 15 weeks with the twins, passing a sizeable clot/tissue.... bled with dd#3 at 5 wks, 7wks and so badly at 11 weeks they checked my iron levels to make sure I didn't need a transfusion...all was fine with all of these babies...they all made it to term and were born healthy. It's nerve wracking...but can definitely turn out fine. Bleeding can come from burst blood vessels or from behind the placenta...sometimes they can't tell where it comes from.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I hope all is well and will say a prayer for you, Lisa
  10. Mrs. Johnny

    Mrs. Johnny Well-Known Member

    I had bright red bleeding at 13 weeks. All was fine. Well, at first they said it was a placenta previa. And then
    the specialist said it wasn't and that I clearly had a threat to miscarriage! Take it easy.

    I've had plenty of friends that have had bleeing at the stage your at.

    Good-luck with your appt. I will pray for you!

  11. audie522

    audie522 Active Member

    I started bleeding around 9 weeks also. At first it was very light and then got heavier enough that I had to wear a pad. After a frantic visit to my OB and a sono I was told everything was fine. I was never given an exact reason as to why this happened except that it just happens to some moms. It continued into my 13 week- I had heavier/lighter days but was told that as long as it doesnt' get heavier that my last heavier flow to not worry. So my advice is to try not to let it bother you (I know how hard that is) but if you do feel pain along with the blood then go immediately to your doctor. I wish you the best!
  12. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    I bled off and on for the first 16 weeks. Never could find a reason- each sonogram showed healthy babies and no origin for the bleed. I now have two beautiful babies carried to 37 weeks. Best of luck to you :)
  13. Vero

    Vero Well-Known Member

    I hope everything goes well. Take care of yourself. :hug99:
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