Black widow spiders at preschool

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by li li, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    This is like the opposite of the incident report thread ...

    The girls go full-time to a small private preschool (20 kids, Waldorf orientation). Today we got an email from a friend, whose kid also goes there, saying she'd just had a call from one of the teachers (a friend of hers) asking if journalists had been in contact. She then requested that we didn't talk to the media. Only then did she add, "... oh and by the way we found Black Widow Spiders at the preschool" :shok:

    I live abroad. This place does intrusive bugs big time: ants, cockroaches and (now I learn) spiders. I accept that. And I'm not the kind of person to go to the media anyway - that really wouldn't be in the kids' interest. But I'm really really peeved that they DIDN'T TELL US. I don't even know when they found them. This afternoon when I collected the kids, there was a small hand-written notice outside saying they were going to get an exterminator in tomorrow afternoon. But they didn't say what for. When I feigned innocence and asked, the reply was "Oh the council like to do that every now and again". When I bit the bullet and asked specifically about spiders she replied "Yeah that too". OK I accept too that she's only staff and not management. But for heaven's sake we are talking poisonous spiders around 3 year old kids, they should have called the parents immediately.

    We don't really have another choice of school. Everything else in town is 35 kids to one teacher and one assistant (an appalling ratio for 3 year olds IMO). And I like this place. But I'm furious about their approach to this. I mean, how can I trust that everything is OK if they don't tell me when the big stuff happens? :mad:

    Sorry (and thank you) for the vent! Tomorrow morning I will be saying something to the preschool.
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    eeek! I personally am freaked out by spiders. . .are they inside?
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Okay, are these inside or outside. I would go insane about Black Widows being found indoors. This week is my one year anniversary of being bitten by a black widow and I honestly don't know how a child could survive if bitten by one. I could not walk when bitten by one and spent an ENTIRE day in the ER receiving morphine shots for the pain. I felt the after effects for days afterwards. They are VERY dangerous and should not be taken lightly. I don't mean to scare you, but oh my goodness. They don't leave a mark like the brown recluse, instead effect the nervous system, kids suffer tremendously from them if bitten. I would make sure that I received a letter saying they were not indoors and had been sprayed.
  4. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I don't know. If my girls school told each and every parent about each time it found a poisenous spider (black widow, brown recluse, tarantula) or a scorpion or other dangerous insect. I think we'd get a report at least once a week if not daily.

    Are the Israli parents freaked out by this? or are they taking it in stride? In certain areas, these things just become a part of everyday life...
  5. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    Good question about inside or outside - I've got no idea because no one has told us. Yet. I noticed a new area yesterday with wet cement next to an outhouse in the yard, so I hope it was there and is done with.

    I've been here 5 years and have never seen a poisonous spider. Most people (israelis) I ask aren't sure if there are any in this part of Israel, we're kind of remote. So I guess now we know the answer! I'm guessing by the fact the media may be interested that it's unusual - yikes I do hope the interest is not because a kid got bit. Utopia's description is very scary. I'm not sure a little one would survive if that's what happens to an adult (you poor dear it sounds awful).

    Anyway I'll find out today - and assert that we want to know when these things happen.
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    After reading Rachel's description of being bit, I am having my house exterminated next week and I have never seen a black widow in my house for sure. We have had a few spiders though and I am not sure what kind they are.

    I would find out if the spiders were inside - if so I would not send my kids back until they exterminate.
  7. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    I learned today that, without notifying the parents, they have already had pest-control spray 5 times. Unsuccessfully. Without saying a word. OTOH I also learn that, whilst being bitten is awful (and potentially fatal to a small kid), they don't bite often. They're not aggressive and only bite in self-defense. But it still scares me that they've found them inside the preschool.
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They bite a lot in FL from people picking up trash cans and mail from mail boxes. They like small enclosed areas like handles. They need a different poison if they're unable to kill them.
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