
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by perfectangeltwins, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. perfectangeltwins

    perfectangeltwins Well-Known Member

    What should I do about the bitting. Justin is the only one doing it. Austin has 3 bits on him just this week. Justin will chase Austin around the house with his mouth open trying to bit him. I have tried yelling, putting on time out, bitting him back not hard enough to leave a mark just enough to hurt his feelings and spanking. What am I going to do. I need help. What can I do so I don't have to worry so much when justin is going to bit again.


  2. perfectangeltwins

    perfectangeltwins Well-Known Member

    :8714bumper: Ladies I really need help.

  3. emmyshannon

    emmyshannon Well-Known Member

    I am in the same boat. Today Daniel bit his brothers ear!!! I am also at a loss. I usually end up saying Daniell's name really sternly and loud when I see him going for his brother, that kind of puts a stop to it. But it is hard to always keep on eye on things.

    The problem is sometimes they think it is fun to bite. Also, they keep sticking their fingers in each others mouth and then getting bit. I am hoping they grow out of it.
  4. lilymadison

    lilymadison Well-Known Member

    I have no advice, but you're not alone. Lily bites Madi almost daily and it breaks my heart. I've tried everything you have. I'm hoping it'll just take time.
  5. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    We have been dealing with biting for some time. They bite each other quite frequently, and they often get bit (and bite others) at day care. I think it is just one of those things that they go through. Usually it happens when they are fighting over a toy. If we catch them while they are fighting before the biting begins, we just separate them, say no sternly, and take away whatever they are fighting over. If one gets bit, we move the biter to the corner, and give lots of attention to the bitee. I'm not saying that this works in anyway, but that's just what we do. Personally I wouldn't ever bite them back, but that's just me.

    I'm not sure how old yours are, but I think as mine get a little older and can communicate more, the biting will lessen, I hope. I think it is just a response to frustration that they don't know how to express otherwise.

    Good luck!!
  6. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    We've been dealing with the same thing.Wish I had an answer. It is so hard and it goes in phases for us. Amelia once bit Kyle FIVE times in one day on the arms!!!!! he had bruises from all of them for a week! Mine does it totally out of the blue and very subtly. I can be sitting right next to her and not realize she is doing it until it is over. Poor Kyle doesn't know what hits him until it's over too.
  7. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    My kids are in early intervention and here is what the PT said to do when one bites or head bangs:
    Ignore it. They are doing it for attention she said. hmmmmmmmmm....... Interesting.
    For head banging, she said put a pillow behind their head (to save them from getting hurt) and walk away. (My pedi said that they will only do it until they do hurt themselves, and then they'll stop so not to worry).
    As far as biting goes, she said that I can say NO if I want, but mostly to put the child down (currently I am the only one getting bit) and then walk away. Show them that biting means mommy leaves.
    So if one is biting the other, perhaps say NO and take you & the bittee AWAY. Show the biter that everyone leaves when they bite.
    Hope that helps!
  8. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    I am very consistent with mine, telling them "We don't bite people. If you want to bite, bite this" and then I hand them the nearest biteable object. It takes a while to get the message through, but eventually they learn. If you think about it, biting them back gives them the message that when someone bites you, you bite them back, not that they shouldn't bite in the first place. :icon_eek:
  9. HeidiO68

    HeidiO68 Well-Known Member

    Mine are biting each other. Not out of anger, just casually doing it. They stick their fingers in each others mouths and bite each other that way too. None of my other children were biters. So I'm at a loss as to how to get them to stop this. They don't bite anyone else, just each other. I think it's partly because they are both going thru this stage and have someone their same size constantly there to do it to. sorry I'm no help, just in the same boat.
  10. jennduke

    jennduke Member

    None of my boys were/are biters but I have heard that if you put a dab of vinegar in their mouth it works. I have no proof but it won't hurt them to try! Good Luck!
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