
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinboymomma, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. twinboymomma

    twinboymomma Well-Known Member

    One of my guys has recently started biting. How do I deal with this? He bites clothing mostly and finds it funny to keep it in his mouth, but he has bit DH on the arm once. I don't know what to do. I tell him "No, don't bite" in a stern voice and if he continues I put him down and walk away. He always laughs after he does it, but we never smile or laugh back. What have you done when your LO's started biting at this age?
    Thanks in advance.
  2. Mommyto3preciousboys

    Mommyto3preciousboys Well-Known Member

    Can't wait to hear the replies. One of the twins started doing that last week (2) the bad part is I also was forced to move them to toddler beds too this week b/c they destroyed the crib tents. Now, I have them in their room, naps/bedtime is awful b/c they run, play for an hour or TWO and then the one gets bit, pushed, etc. and I have NO CONTROL. No naps today and I am loosing it! Sorry for hijacking, didn't realize how stressed I really am! How in the world do you transition to beds with a biter?? ALSO, how do you stop the biter?? :) I have said, no, slapped his hand, one time popped the back of his neck when he wouldn't let go.... this is all new, he does it for fun, not mean. Ideas??? Thanks for posting this topic!!
  3. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    I am curious to hear what everyone guys have started this when they begin to disagree over who the toy belongs to.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    It is developmentally normal for babies from 13 months up to 2 years to bite. At that age, they really don't understand cause/effect, so punishment has no meaning. It may stop the biting for that moment, but they don't remember that the next time. Children bite because they are trying to communicate and many times simply due to teething. The best and most effective remedy is simpy constant vigillance and redirection.
  5. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    I would continue to do exactly what you are doing. When he does it tell him "No biting" then get up and walk away. It will get old eventually. Just stay consistant. Even if he gets some skin try to react as little as possible. He has no clue that this hurts you and will be entertained by any reaction.

    This too shall pass. :)
  6. ihavesevensons

    ihavesevensons Well-Known Member

    ALL of my kids bit when they were teething.........esp. molars!!!!!

    Our saying was "if you are not moving faster than WILL get bit"
  7. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I've started putting my 14 mo old son in "time out" when he bites his sister - I hold him in my lap for one minute and let her play and then he generally doesn't do it again...
  8. twinboymomma

    twinboymomma Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your replies! I will continue to do what we are and hope it passes quickly. Thanks again!!
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