
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by katnpat, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. katnpat

    katnpat Well-Known Member

    How do you stop a 13 month old from biting??? Elizabeth is biting everyone! She'll go up to hug you and then bite your neck. Anyone have any experience with this??
  2. SharonH

    SharonH Well-Known Member

    DS was doing that for a while - we just started warning him when he came in for a hug "remember no biting" and if he did bite a sharp "no biting!" and then quickly sat him down away from us. It only took a couple rude disruptions of his cuddles to realise that biting was not an option!

    PS He does it more when he's teething.
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, it is totally normal behavior at that age. Just be extra vigillant and redirect as much as possible. Probably once some teeth pop through, she will stop.
  4. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    UGH! I totally feel your pain...literaly! My little culprit is Nathan. The worse part is that he thinks it is so terribley funny when I put him down and tell him "no bite." He just laughs and laughs!! I'm sorry I don't have any real advice, just know that it is normal and others are going through it too. :hug99:
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