
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kenitha_c, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. kenitha_c

    kenitha_c Active Member

    I really need help with my boys biting eachother. What is the issue I have three other children and they never went through this stage. Is it something I'm missing? It is really starting to concern me because it's happening more and more regular. If any one has any advice i would really appreciate it, and thank you in advance! :gah:
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I found that my two seemed to bite when they were teething. However for us, we would tell them "No biting" and "ouch that hurts". In addition to hitting, biting was another TO offense in our house. I did TO's in my lap (still do right now, when they get older it will be a corner with a chair). Be consistent and make sure that when they are in the care of other adults that those adults are consistent like you. Good luck!
  3. kenitha_c

    kenitha_c Active Member

    Thank you! They have so many teeth in there mouth it's terrible. When they bite one another it really scares me because they have broken the skin and one has a permanent scar on his arm and back.
  4. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    We went through a stretch where Jack was biting a LOT. And by a lot I mean 3-4 bites a day on his brother that would leave a mark and/or bruise. Mostly it would be out of frustration when his brother was in his space. We would say NO biting and remove them from the situation and we would do our best to catch him before it happened. At daycare he would be totally separated from his brother and would have to play in the playpen by himself for a few minutes. He HATED being away from his brother, but would still continue to bite. He seems to have moved on to other things now, but I still catch him every once in awhile trying to bite.
    James has just started trying to bite his brother, but it seems to be more related to him teething than anything else.
    The best hing we have done is time outs. They hate being away from their brother so now they look to see if we're watching before they bite most of the time. This alone makes me think whatever we're doing is working since they know if we see them do it they are in trouble.
  5. StaceeyL

    StaceeyL Well-Known Member

    I'm having a huge problem with this too! We tried the "no biting" in a strong voice, but it wasn't until my husband did it in his big loud voice that I think they "got" it. I also tried the time outs in the playpen, but they didn't care. They havent bitten each other in a few days, so hopefully they got the idea.
  6. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I though we had conquered this problem a few months back, but now its back with a vengeance.

    No great tips, but they do get in trouble for it. Before it was teething, but now it's clearly biting out of anger.
  7. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    I have one who bites too. My pediatrician, who is also a dad to twins, told me when it happens, put him in his room and shut the door for 30 seconds. He needs to be removed from everyone else (in solitary confinement) and will be unhappy because he's not part of the action. I did that and it worked! I love having a pediatrician who has twins!!! He has such great advice and can totally relate! :D
  8. akuaba

    akuaba Well-Known Member

    Both of my twins bite. My DD opens her mouth so wide it looks like she is going to eat her brother's head :woah: My DS bites as well. They are teething again and it does seem to get worse when they are teething. They are definitely using it when they are angry at each other when they take a toy away or get in each other's space. I did just separate them in the same room for a bit. But, now I bring the guilty party upstairs into their room and on the way up the stairs, I take their arm and put my mouth on it and say "NO BITING" and put them down in their crib and shut the door. I leave them there for 1 minute. They really don't like it. It doesn't seem to be working just yet but I will continue this until the get the idea. Consistency is the most important thing, I think, when they are this young. They may not be able to process everything yet (time out, no biting) but they know they did something that wasn't "good" and as they mature they will put two and two together.
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