
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by laurajrad, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. laurajrad

    laurajrad Well-Known Member

    Hello people! I haven't been on here for what seems like a hundred years, what with fighting with Immigration for DH's permanent residency, working full time, buying a new house, and well you know...twins. I was hoping you all could help me out with a little advice. It appears I have a biter and I'm desperate to find some way of breaking this horrible habit. Poor Emma looks like she's been through a war. Charlotte will bite her any time she feels threatened, they're fighting, or sometimes for what seems like no reason at all. Any ideas? The pedi basically just told us to redirect her attention when it happens and to lavish attention on the bitten one. That doesn't seem to be very effective. This is not a daily occurence, but it happens more often than I'd like. I'm sorry if this is a topic that's been recently covered, but I haven't been on here in months, and can't seem to search the forums. Thanks in advance,

  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Welcome back Laura! Here is a recent thread on the whole biting issue. Maybe give her something that is acceptable to bite and hope its a short-lived phase. :hug:
  3. cacorsi

    cacorsi Active Member

    I have a biter on my hands also. She has been biting once a week for about 3 months! I have done the time outs, saying "no biting" etc. She does it at random times also...happy..sad...I just don't know what to do with her! I am in your boat also. My son (her twin) also looks like he has been through a war! Poor kid. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  4. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    I have a biter although he has really improved over the last month. He bites when he is tired so I just watch out for it. Poor Max has had terrible marks on his body. But I think it's a phase and hope it will completely pass soon - hopefully for you too.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DS never bit before he started to get his last batch of teeth (which are taking forever to come in, by the way) and it seems like he is biting to relieve the pressure. He still gets a TO for it because I am not 100% sure why it is he is biting and I definitely don't want to encourage the behavior or give any impression it should continue.
  6. laurajrad

    laurajrad Well-Known Member

    Thanks to all for your advice and thanks Leighann, for the link to the previous posts. I will try the time outs because I am desperate to break her of this. It is, however, difficult for me to punish Char when she bites in defense of the "windmill slapping attack" that her sister is so fond of. Anyway, thanks again and wish us luck. May we all get through this stage quickly and without permanent scars.
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