Biting the crib...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sarah75, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. Sarah75

    Sarah75 Well-Known Member

    I have just found that there is a beaver in one of my cribs. I know it wouldnt be my sweet energetic baby girl.
    Any advice on how to deal with this ? has anyone bought teething guards ?
  2. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    my son has actually left teeth marks on our crib and chipped some of the paint. I bought a teeth guard but never got around to using it :) I probably should stick it on and see if it helps... I'll let you know! I'm not too worried about it though!
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I had a horrible beaver. I could not believe that a child could do that to a crib. I tried crib guards but eventually he learned how to peel them off.

    It's one of the reasons their toddler beds are plastic; he can't chew on it!
  4. angs241

    angs241 Well-Known Member

    My DS was/is a chewer. They make cloth teething guards that tie over the sides. My mom fashioned us some out of an old comforter. While they weren't on soon enough, they are still on, at age 2.
  5. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    My girls are tearing their cribs up! The worst chewing is actually on the sides that they don't make the guards for (at least the plastic ones).

    Oh well! So much for resale!
  6. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Before mine started chewing (just mouthing) on their cribs I bought the guards. They've been on since about 10 months old and thus far they've stayed put. I don't see them chewing on the guards very much anymore, but maybe that's b/c I know they can't get to the wood...
  7. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I bought 2 of these cloth crib guards when the boys were about 1 year old, and I LOVE them. I just put one of those on the long side of each crib, and put a cheaper rubber crib guard on the short side of the crib (the cribs are in opposite corners so only 2 sides are "open" to the room and they never pay any attention to the crib rails along the walls). I highly recommend these soft crib guards!
  8. Sarah75

    Sarah75 Well-Known Member

    Thanks I just bought these last night.
    Thank you for all your replies.
  9. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My crib made it thru my 2 oldest kids, and then the early days of the twins both in it....until we split them up. And then my 10 month old beaver decided to destroy it! So much for selling it!

    Anyways, whenever I caught him chewing on it, I just flicked his cheek. It worked, he stopped within a few weeks. We now have that rail down since they are converted to toddler beds. I still probably won't be able to resell it for what I was hoping, but maybe I can sell it on craigslist.
  10. Reeny691

    Reeny691 Well-Known Member

    I have two little nibblers. Our cribs are convertible so we bought cloth covers for the front rail and rubber ones for the side rails. We waited a little too long before we had some damage but its not gotten any worse. GL
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