Biting - How to stop it

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Cocosmomma, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. Cocosmomma

    Cocosmomma Member

    My boys are 16 months old. One bites when he is frustrated or mad. Any tips on how to stop it? My grandmother told me to bite him back. Hopefully y'all have better ideas for

  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Biting was a TO offense here. I think my two were 16 months old when I started 1 minute time outs. I would also tell the offender, "no biting, that hurts your brother/sister" or say something "You gave me/bro/sis/whoever an!" I did notice that my son would bite was when he was mad/frustrated/teething. Good luck!
  3. Clarebear

    Clarebear New Member

    My son bites to get things off his sister. I tap his lip with the side of my finger saying 'no biting!' and have even tried putting his own arm in his mouth, which has not been very effective yet. Have also tried taking away whatever he bit her for, so that the biting does not get him what he wants.

    She is now quick at getting her arm out of the way, but that won't help other kids he meets out there in the world. I am worried!!! Will try the time-outs, great idea.
  4. Reeny691

    Reeny691 Well-Known Member

    Both kids are biters either for fun or aggression. I have really been working on the issue. Every time I get bit for fun or DS/DD gets bit for aggression I say "no bite" and put them in the pnp or superyard. They aren't biting as much. I'm not sure if its just a phase but I hope not.
  5. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    DD1 was a biter and it went on for what seemed like forever. I do think your boys are too young to understand what they're doing. I think if they were older and understood that they were hurting then you might have to try something more extreme but for now, TO or a consistent consequence will have to do!
  6. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    My boys will be a yr in a few weeks and are HORRIBLE bitters, but only with me and William to Nathaniel. I am going to follow this thread to see if I can also get some ideas on how to stop it.
  7. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    I just remembered this.... the boys have bitten on and off and one of my daycare girls has too but only when they're teething. I found as soon as they were starting to bite, providing some sort of teething relief helped!
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