Biter...Need HELP!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sarosie, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. Sarosie

    Sarosie Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone, we thought the biting was over but it's NOT! Cayden constantly is biting Avery (in her back) poor Avery has old wounds, new wounds, scabs and scars! We have given time outs...talked about biting HURTS etc...nothing is working! It also only takes a quick second for "JAWS" to strike, sometimes we're sitting right there and don't even know it's happening until Avery starts her "bite" cry. Please give some advice for Avery's sake!!!

    Thanks, Sarah

    ps. I hope my banners etc are ok. It took me forever to try to do it so I am not sure if it's ok!
  2. andiemc

    andiemc Well-Known Member

    We have this problem though ours are only 13 months. I find that it happens mostly when Jaws is tired or hungry. No advice just some empathy!!
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I find that negative attention is what they are looking for. So I do timeouts and then spend A LOT of time showering affection and love on the victim, within the eye line of the perp. Does that help at all? Both of mine do it but they are getting better. :hug99: I wish I could give better advice to you!
  4. Sarosie

    Sarosie Well-Known Member

    Sarah and mctwins,

    My two started this around 9 months old then it died down. Then this past january they REALLY got bad especially at day care. Then it went away it's back with a vengence....Cayden is a pirahana! I will try harder to give the victim more attention and just be consistent... This morning Cayden was looking at Avery's back saying Boo-Boo Mama...Kiss Avery's boo-boos.... I said "I know, poor Avery, how did she get the boo-boos?" She says "I bite-ED her....." I was wondering if there was something to put on Avery's clothes that tasted bad or something......
  5. RondaJo

    RondaJo Well-Known Member

    We're dealing with A LOT of biting here. At first it was only Geneva biting Gretchyn but Gretchyn has started biting now too to defend herself. I asked their pediatrician about it and he said to keep doing the time-outs, try to catch her before she actually touches (very hard when there is absolutely no warning), and try to keep her distracted. Other than that there's not much you can do except "wait it out." It's frustrating and breaks my heart whenever one gets bit but there's nothing more I can do.

    :hug99: Hopefully this phase will end very soon for all of us.
  6. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I have a biter too, Jack was constantly bruised and had bite marks on his arms and back all the time. I tought James to "be nice" and now everytime I catch him about to bite Jack is say "be nice" (in a really soft tone) and he kisses him instead. I also do this when he's about to smack Jack or whack him with a toy and he will pat his head gently in stead. Now I'm not normally this calm with things, I'm usually frazzled and about to yell :rolleyes: but for some reason with this particular situation it has almost turned into a game which I'm fine with as long as he is kissing his brother instead of biting. :)
  7. marshall52204

    marshall52204 Well-Known Member

    My boys go through spurts of biting. It used to happen ALOT when they were younger, then died down and every now and then one will bite the other. I used to think they did it more in a playing around, tired, hungry mood... but now it seems like it happens when one is jealous of the other. For example one of the boys was riding on my husbands back and his brother wanted on too. When my husband tried to put the other up there also, his bro bit him. We have since tried to watch for situations (easier said then done) when we think one is about to snap and then distract him. We have tried the time outs, etc., but I think it is just going to be something they will have to grow out of. They are fine around other kids, it is just each other... so I don't worry about play dates or the like. No real answer here, just an "I understand"! :)

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