Birthday toy ideas?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Five of Us, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Five of Us

    Five of Us Well-Known Member

    My boys are turning one in April and I am stumped on what to get them. I have an older daughter and the boys are getting to use all her toys from when she was little. So, I am not sure what to get them that we do not already have. Does anyone have any wonderful ideas that your boys just loved or you have heard that one year olds love?
  2. Five of Us

    Five of Us Well-Known Member

    My boys are turning one in April and I am stumped on what to get them. I have an older daughter and the boys are getting to use all her toys from when she was little. So, I am not sure what to get them that we do not already have. Does anyone have any wonderful ideas that your boys just loved or you have heard that one year olds love?
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Leap Frog Learning Table was a HUGE hit!!!
  4. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by ~* dfaut *~:
    Leap Frog Learning Table was a HUGE hit!!!

    Ditto! We've been using this since the boys were 4 months and it's still a favorite. You can take the legs off and play with it on the floor for tummy time. Then, when they started sitting we added 2 legs and had it sit and an incline. Now that they're pulling up it's a new toy all over again with all 4 legs on it.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    A wagon for the summer. That is what mine are getting. A push/ride on toy.
  6. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by summerfun:
    A wagon for the summer. That is what mine are getting. A push/ride on toy.

    We also got them a wagon. It is inside right now and I pull them up and down the hallway and around the living room...until it warms up! They love it, and it so nice...the radio flyer from walmart with the two seats and buckles, cup holders...we didn't get the one with the canopy but that is an option too! Mine also got ride on toys from their Nanna, and those stay at her house. They don't know what to do with them b/c they have rocking catapillars at home, and they think the ride on toys are for rocking too! [​IMG] Only my kids [​IMG] Oh, and like I mentioned in a previous post, mine LOVE, LOVE, LOVE their baby grand piano.
  7. valeriemiller39

    valeriemiller39 Well-Known Member

    I think we'll be getting bikes or a wagon for birthdays. I want some outdoor toys for this summer.
  8. harryjacksmom

    harryjacksmom Well-Known Member

    My boys also loved the Leap Table (and now that they know the letters and colors, it's fun again!) but you may have that from your daughter.

    At the risk of being sexist, have they gotten into boy stuff yet? We received some big smushy trucks that made sounds - they've been in the car where they can hold onto them, roll them around, etc. The big Tonka dump truck was a huge hit around 18 months - they ride in them, push each other around, wheel themselves around, sort all their toys in them, dump stuff, lift the bucket and sit on them to watch get the idea - these were by far the biggest thrill and most versatile toy they received!

    Books, books, books - ours from that stage are pretty well 'loved' but maybe your daughter was kinder and made less mess [​IMG]

    HTH - GL and keep us posted on good stuff that you find!
  9. les

    les Active Member

    My girls just had their first b-day and they got those little fisher price toys that have the balls that pop when you push them. They really like those alot.
  10. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    My Twins are 15 mo. now. For Christmas, we got the Fisher Price Laugh & Learn house and they love it! They play with it every single day! It's so cute. Good Luck Mary
  11. lilpanda

    lilpanda Member

    Our girls also love the FP Laugh and Learn House. They got it last summer when they were about 10 months old and it was their "favorite" toy. They played with it every day for months. They still play with it now, but at Christmas, they got a play kitchen, now their new "favorite" toy.

    We also have a Radio Flyer Pathfinder wagon. The girls love this wagon!

  12. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    The girl's turn 1 in March and I think I'm going to buy them the Fisher Price Drop and Roar Dinosaur. Everyone I talk to loves this toy.
  13. mzshoe

    mzshoe Well-Known Member

    We bought the laugh & learn playhouse for Christmas, they love it, they play together and giggle/laugh all the time. They also love the laugh & learn piano & activity table. If they are not steady walkers yet - try and standup push toy, they can convert into a ride on toy. My son pushed it around the house all the time, I think it helped him get steady on his feet. Have fun shopping!!!
  14. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    If your looking for smaller indoor toys, I can't wait to get the twins the amazin animal choo choo for their birthday. It is so cute, has gotten great reviews, and has lots of add-on's. Not too expensive either. Here's a link! Have fun at the birthday party!!
  15. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Wagon is a great idea! Also small ball pit was a huge hit with my DS when he was 1! April is a great b'day month... my oldest is turning 5 then [​IMG]
  16. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    If you want something that doesn't make noise and doesn't take batteries, mine like the Put & Peek Birdhouse (I think that's the name) by Manhattan Toy.

    Melissa & Doug (the company) also has a lot of nice wooden toys and puzzles that are fairly cheap. I got my kids a shape sorter that they really like although they have no clue what most of the shapes are yet -- but they love to take the lid off, dump all the shapes out, put them back in, etc etc. I also got them a wooden train, but haven't given it to them yet (I hid most of their birthday/Christmas toys in the closet to be doled out throughout the year).

    And we have 4 push toys that have been big hits since they learned to pull up.

    They also really like bath toys, especially ones that squirt water.
  17. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Glo E Bears are great for a small toy (white bears that light up).

    For big indooor toy I suggest the Fisher Price laught and learn house or the firsher price piano. Mine have and love both(and I do to due to volume switches. There is only so much I can take of the Rainbow Bridge.)
  18. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    The LeapFrog Table, and Amazing Animals Choo-Choo Train from FP are awesome. The girls got both of these for Christmas and they LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them. I think out of all the things the girls got these were their favorite.
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