Birthday Cakes...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Evanly, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. Evanly

    Evanly Well-Known Member does one make a birthday cake w/out using egg whites? Just interested if anyone did that - I have this fear (yes, irrational fear... [​IMG]) that if I go ahead and make a cake w/egg whites - that the boys will have their first severe allergic reaction during their first birthday party....
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We got the go ahead to do whole eggs at 9 mos. and they never had a problem. IF your guys have not had any reactions to ANYTHING so far, I would say that you are going to be fine with eggs.

    I would call your pedi and ask what they think. That might help you ease your fears. I doubt they will react if they haven't reacted to anything else thus far. If you have issues, then have a look around the cooking forum. There are TONS of SUPER ideas in here!! (I moved your post to the cooking forum. Click the link at the top of this page and check it out!)

    Good luck!
  3. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    I have a recipe for chocolate cake with no eggs at all. How do you feel about serving chocolate? I bet you could make yellow cake mix with egg yolks... Since you can use a can of diet soda in place of eggs and oil in the WW recipe....
  4. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    They should be fine, perhaps you could try giving them some pancakes or something that contains a small amount of egg as a trial run before their birthday? When I make pancakes I mix up the Krusteez like the directions suggest then add 1-2 eggs depending on amount of batter made. They turn out really well. [​IMG]
  5. tarajh

    tarajh Well-Known Member

    Not such an irrational fear - my best friends DD had never had an allergic reaction to any food...until she ate/smeared her cake at her 1st bday (at a park nonetheless). She broke out from head to toe in massive hives, poor thing. However, she was prone to non-food allergies (especially at a park) so Mom had Benadryl on hand luckily. And her father was allergic to tons of things as a child and still is to animals and a few other things. I never would have thought of it, my kids dug into their cakes (18mths before her) and were fine. Most friends/family that know about this now make sure they try a little egg before hand just to be on the safe side.

    That said, you can actually make any box mix cake with 1 can of any flavor soda, instead of any of the other ingredients listed - just soda and mix. I always make my "neice" one of her own during our bday parties so she doesnt feel left out. Chocolate is good with cherry coke. Or, if doing a white cake, remember a dark soda will color it and give it a heavier flavor - I use Sprite. They are more difficult to frost as eggs are what 'stick' the cake together well. Piped on, instead of spread, icing works pretty well though.

    Good luck [​IMG]
  6. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Here is a great Chocolate Cake that has no eggs or dairy AND it is actually really good and moist!

    We made it with the kids at camp last summer, and I have a friend whose son is allergic to milk and milk products, and she made it for him. He loved it because it was his first taste of chocolate!
  7. Babytimes2

    Babytimes2 Well-Known Member

    That said, you can actually make any box mix cake with 1 can of any flavor soda, instead of any of the other ingredients listed - just soda and mix. I always make my "neice" one of her own during our bday parties so she doesnt feel left out. Chocolate is good with cherry coke. Or, if doing a white cake, remember a dark soda will color it and give it a heavier flavor - I use Sprite. They are more difficult to frost as eggs are what 'stick' the cake together well. Piped on, instead of spread, icing works pretty well though. you just use the dry box cake mix and the whole can of soda? That's all?
  8. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I was also going to suggest trying it in something as a trial run before their birthday that way you will be for certain!!
  9. tarajh

    tarajh Well-Known Member

    quote: you just use the dry box cake mix and the whole can of soda? That's all?

    Yep, at least that's how I do it. I can ask my friend if she adds the oil with it - maybe that would help it stick together better [​IMG] We are meeting at the park in a little bit, I'll ask her & let you know....
  10. Evanly

    Evanly Well-Known Member

    Wow - Tara - you mean I won't have to make it from scratch??? I'm liking that idea - let me know!!

    Thanks everyone for all the ideas - now I just have to choose one! I figure I might go ahead and try some waffles too - and see how they do w/the egg white in them....
  11. tarajh

    tarajh Well-Known Member

    Wow - Tara - you mean I won't have to make it from scratch???

    Looks that way [​IMG] She only uses soda & the mix also. But, now I am wondering if the oil will help it stick...maybe I'll make some cupcakes soon & check it out!

    Happy (early) Birthday to your munchkins [​IMG]
  12. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I would trial run them on eggs if you are worried. I have not had a problem with eggs or egg based products after 8 months. Have fun [​IMG]
  13. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    I have made a yellow cake with a can of diet sprite.... It was great. But the texture is VERY soft. It is an old WW recipe. That way the points are less [​IMG]. But kiddos could do real soda!
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