Birth of My "Miracle" Girls!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by cassier17, Aug 29, 2009.

  1. cassier17

    cassier17 Well-Known Member

    I have been MIA from here for awhile. I was unable to use this site at work, and when at home, I was so busy, or too tired to get off the couch!

    I was pretty much couch bound from 37-38 weeks, I had to stop working, i was just so swollen in the feet and ankles, that I could barely walk. It all just hit me overnight!

    At 38 weeks I couldnt take anymore, and the docs put in the paperwork to have me induced. August 20th was the day! It was supposed to be August 19th, but the hospital was booked full.

    So we went in, got on pitocin (no gel to soften cervix...too risky with identical twin pregnancy they said). So then we waited. Contractions were light, but constant within an hour or two.

    By 3-4pm they decided to check me, I was 1-2 centimeters dialated, and I think thats when she broke my water? Then by 6, I was in a LOT of pain, at that point I was a 5. They didnt think I would move that quickly. So she said to give her another half hour before we do an epidural. Of course it was longer, and by 7:15, that was finally in place, and i was really feeling the contractions at that point! She checked me again around 7:30, and holy cow I was a 9!!! Then i was feeling the pressure to push.

    8:15pm I was brought into the Operating room (for a vaginal birth, this would be my 2nd and 3rd child vaginally - OR just in case)Once in there, i had to push. things were moving fast, and the epidural was not that strong!! AHHH

    I was so ready for these girls to be here! I pushed maybe 6-7 times (whos counting really?) and out came beautiful Baby A, Cali LeeAnn Mitchell at 8:47pm, she was slightly shocked, didnt cry at first, but was absolutely PERFECT. I will leave out most the gross details!! Then I felt relief, my stomach was not about to explode anymore, and I just wanted to rest. they were holding baby B in place, so she wouldnt turn. Finally I started to push out the next girl, and they realized her head was tilted back, instead of her chin down to her chest. There is a term for this, I dont know it though. They were concerned, and told me this next push, I HAD to get her out (or C way I was having that!!!), so I pushed for 10, and another 10, and a 5, and another 5 (for those of you who have know doing 10 seconds is hard enough) and with the help of the amazing mid wife, she managed to get baby B, Ella Sally Mitchell, out safe and sound, at 9:02pm.

    They were of perfect health. Cali was 5.13 lbs, 19 inches, and Ella was 6.5 lbs and 19 inches!!!!! HOLY COW! I was shocked. Honestly people were shocked that I was having twins, my stomach was rather small! No gestational diabetes either? I could not believe how big they were.

    So we got to keep them for an hour, before going to get cleaned...they couldnt have been any more perfect! Although, after the placenta came out, the doctors were shocked. They said that BOTH girls had severely bad connections to the placenta. One was marginal, and the other girl was _______ cant remember the term. But it was worse then marginal. It was not plugged into the meaty part, and they were shocked at how healthy and big each baby was. They all were shocked, and said "They truly are miracle babies...this is amazing!" So i am glad that is over?? Must of been all those protein drinks I drank!!!!

    I am a week in, and things are going great. They are being so good, and gaining weight, and eating well, and sleeping pretty well, I cant complain yet! My son (2.5 years old), LOVES them, and kisses adorable.

    I am supposed to rest, since I have bleeding issues with my uterus, after delivery (with my first pregnancy and this one) and after having twins, you have to be extra careful they told me. I am trying to take it easy...easier said then done.

    But it was a perfect experience - we are SO happy, and I will now join the first year forum! Anyone with questions on delivering identicals, or anything, I would be happy to answer them. I know I had TONS of questions and concerns.

    Best of luck to you all - I know this site helped me through this amazing experience!

  2. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Congrats!! Welcome to first year!
  3. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    Congrats Sarah!! Welcome to the world Cali and Ella!!
  4. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Congratulations momma!!! :yahoo:
    :bday: to Cali & Ella! (cute names!)
    I am so happy to hear that your little girls are doing great & that it all went well :hug:
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :woo: Congratulations :woo:
    :welcome: to the world Cali and Ella!
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :Clap: Congrats on your girls!!!
  7. KimmiLynn4

    KimmiLynn4 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on the birth of your girls! I'm so glad everyone is doing well. :yahoo:
  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :Clap: Congratulations!!
  9. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    CONGRATS!!! Sounds like it went well!
  10. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    Congratulations mom! YOu did a super job pushing, I can imagine how tough it was the second time. I so hope that I too can have a safe vaginal birth with my identical boys, but as of now they are both breech and the policy here is c-section for that. But I'm hoping they will flip. Enjoy this time with them, as you already know since you have a 2 year old, it speeds by. :yahoo:
  11. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    What a great birth story! Congrats on getting your vaginal birth! :welcome: to the first year!
  12. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    CONGRATULATIONS! WELCOME TO THE FIRST YEAR!!:) Beautiful we need to see the beautiful faces!
  13. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    Congratulations and thanks for sharing your story!
  14. fahrenheit79

    fahrenheit79 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations!!! and yes, it does sound like they are miracle babies.
  15. leahkatebrown

    leahkatebrown Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, what a great job fighting to push them both out! :Clap:
  16. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    What a great birth story, thanks for sharing it and i am glad that you are all doing so well!!![​IMG]

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