Birth control after twins

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jentwinmom, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    So, I wanted to get my tubed tied, but DH said no. He says if we win the lottery, we can afford another child. We don't buy lottery tickets. Go figure. Anyway, we agreed on Mirena IUD. So, today I called to make an appointment to get it done and the lady tells me it has to be put in during my cycle. What? I never read anything about that in the information they provided. I would have remembered that. I originally had an appt. to get this done in January and I was not even having cycles then. Anyone else with an IUD want to say if this is true?
  2. timothyca

    timothyca New Member

    That is really weird. They didn't have me on a cycle when they put mine in. Oh and just some friendly advice I don't know how much research you have done with IUD's I had the marina one and ended up getting 2 periods a month for about 2-4 months before I decided to just take it out and start having another child. Then found out by my ob dr. now that it was what caused my previous pregnancy to be a ectopic one.
  3. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    I have the Mirena - they do have to put it in at a special time, but I was breasfeeding, so I hadn't gotten PPAF yet, so they just put it in. They do a pg test first though. Maybe they just do it during your cycle to prevent putting it in when you could be pg?
  4. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ferfischer @ Aug 13 2008, 11:17 AM) [snapback]928106[/snapback]
    I have the Mirena - they do have to put it in at a special time, but I was breasfeeding, so I hadn't gotten PPAF yet, so they just put it in. They do a pg test first though. Maybe they just do it during your cycle to prevent putting it in when you could be pg?

    I am BF as well, which is what made the appointment maker lady freak and transfer me to the nurse.
  5. Annasmom

    Annasmom Well-Known Member

    I'm breastfeeding and had mine put in about a month ago. They never told me anything about needing to be a special time. I've been spotting since they put it in but they said that was normal. So far I love it. Some times the folks that make appointments don't know what they're talking about, also some nurses leave a lot to be desired. My Ob nurse told me my boobs didn't look big enough to be breastfeeding twins the day I went in to get my Mirana put in. I was thinking why are you checking out my boobs and exactly what size do the need to be to look the part! People are so stupid.
  6. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I have the Mirena IUD and it was placed when I wasn't on my cycle. I love my Mirena!!
  7. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    The nurse just called me back and said since I am BF, I don't HAVE to be on my cycle to put it in. I was actually able to get an appt next week. yeah.

    Anyone else with an IUD feel free to chime in with your experiences.
  8. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Annasmom @ Aug 13 2008, 11:28 AM) [snapback]928134[/snapback]
    My Ob nurse told me my boobs didn't look big enough to be breastfeeding twins the day I went in to get my Mirana put in. I was thinking why are you checking out my boobs and exactly what size do the need to be to look the part! People are so stupid.

    Oh dear. Exactly what size are your boobs supposed to be for BF twins? :rolleyes: Yes, some people are stupid. Reminds me of the lady with triplets at Target last week. She told me people ask her all the time if those THREE are TWINS.
  9. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    I have my follow up appointment this morning and I'm hoping to get my Mirena IUD put in [they call it IUC now.. weird]. The nurse didn't say anything about needing to be put in during my cycle. Then again.. my doc is kinda flakey and they might just tell me something different when I go in.
  10. LillyWhite1

    LillyWhite1 Well-Known Member

    I just had mine put in on Monday and I have not had a cycle on almost a year so it wasn't a concern. But they never said anything about doing it during your cycle and you are right that the literature doesn't say anything about it. I would ask again to make sure she was not misspoken and you get clarification.

    I did not have labor and so it was very uncomfortable, almost painful, but the ladies I"ve talked to who did have labor and got the mirena had not problems at all. I'm still having cramps two days later but they are getting better.

    Good luck!
  11. ellaila

    ellaila Well-Known Member

    I don't have an IUD yet but am considering it. Here's what I've heard from doctors and from friends:

    There are two options: ParaGard and Mirena. Mirena is low-progesterone; ParaGard has no hormones. You may have breakthrough bleeding with Mirena for 2-4 months but then your periods will be very light - my friend's is nonexistent! With ParaGard, you will get your period, and it may even be heavier/more crampy.

    I've heard that if you had a c-section, insertion can be pretty painful. My doctor said he can prescribe valium beforehand to relax me if I want, so you may want to ask your doctor about that. I also heard about someone getting a novacaine shot beforehand.

    One side effect I've heard about with Mirena is hair loss.

    I think that's all I know so far! Am going to call later today to make an appt. so I will ask then about if there's a certain time of the month they need to do it. Will let you know what they say!
  12. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    I love my Mirena. I got it put in at my 6 week pp appointment. I was still bleeding from the birth, and I labored to 9 1/2 cm before having a c-section. My insertion wasn't bad. I was still on my pain medicine from the c-section though, and I'm used to having things shoved into my cervix. (I've done IUIs and IVF.)

    I think they like you to be having your period when they insert it so that the cervix is opened slightly, making for easier insertion.
  13. Flutterbymama

    Flutterbymama Well-Known Member

    That's funny about the lottery. That's exactly what I tell dh all the time.

    I had N&M Sept 27 and a Mirena installed (heh heh) in November. My ob said she preferred me to be on my period when I had it done. She said it made the process easier and less uncomfortable for me. (I'm all for that). The insertion was uncomfortable. I didn't want to die b/c of the pain but it's not something I'd want done frequently. I still had my pp pain meds so I took a vicodin and rx Motrin beforehand. I was crampy afterwards but nothing more than normal/heavy period cramps. I spotted daily for 3 months. Nothing heavy, just enough to be an annoyance. Right about the time I was ready to rip it out the spotting stopped. Now I don't have periods at all. I have very light spotting for a few days but a pantyliner takes care of it. It is the best form of birth control for me.

    Good luck

  14. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    I would think they said that to make sure you aren't pregnant. My doc wanted me to have a blood draw to check for pregnancy before she put mine in, but I was only 6 weeks post partum, and told her it would be divine conception if I was pregnant, and I didn't want to take the test, so she was fine with it.

    My insertion was very uncomfortable (my babies were delivered via c-section). I had light spotting for probably 4 months, and now I have nothing, although I am also still breastfeeding.

  15. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    I have it. I called to reschedule b/c I did start my cycle, so figured they couldn't do it, and I was told it makes it easier during that time...but was not told it had to be done then.

  16. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    I am waiting for my next period to start at the end of the month so I can get my Mirena IUD put in. My OB wanted two normal cycles since I am not BF and she said the cervix is more open during your cycle so she likes to insert the IUD at that point. Like the previous poster said, easier for the doctor and less pain for me.

    I had the Mirena before I got pregnant with Max & Lily. I had it removed after 4 years so we could start ttc. I loved it for BC. It just seemed like a natural choice again for us. We originally said we didn't want kids, tbut hen changed our minds and got pregnant with Max & Lily after having the IUD removed. DH says we are done having kids now, but I say we changed our minds before and it might happen again, so the Mirena gives us the option to change our minds. Who knows we could win the lottery too, lol, and be able to afford more babies.
  17. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Speaking of the Mirena(don't mean to take over the thread) do cycles stop? I am late late late, took a pregnancy test..twice...negative both times.

  18. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I have the copper T IUD (Paragard) and am very happy with it. AF hadn't returned yet when I had it placed, but that early on, um, let's just say there is no chance I could have been pregnant since my name is not Mary. :blush: As I told my OB, twins are an excellent form of birth control!

    But yes, they generally want to put it in while you're having your period just to be sure you're not pregnant. Also, your cervix is softer and more open then, so insertion is a bit easier.

    Btw, I had a c-section, and I didn't find insertion of this IUD any worse than the ones I'd had before getting pg. The cramps afterward weren't quite as bad either.
  19. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    i delivered on 6/9 and have my appt to have my mirena put in next thursday. like some pp's have said, doc said i dont need to be on my period but it's easier to place if you are. i have saved some of my vicodin and plan on taking one before going too. but i've also had iui's and an hsg, so i'm thinking it cant really be worse than those.
  20. eehrlich

    eehrlich Well-Known Member

    they told me that also bit i wasnt cycling since i was still BF but they put it in anyways. i think they put it in then because your cervix is a bit dilated during your period.
  21. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I was on my cycle when I had my IUD inserted.
  22. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I've had mine for about 3.5 months now. They did my insertion 6-7 weeks pp (wanted me to be on my period at the time). You don't have to be on your period for them to insert it, however, my Dr. said that the insertion is easier b/c while you have AF your cervix is more open than at other times during the month....and most dr's will request a pregnancy test before they will do being on AF obviously shows that you aren't pregnant. I'm sure each dr. is different in their rules.

    My experience has been pretty good so far. Now, the bleeding for the first 3 months, I had that, it's MUCH better though. The first month I got a normal period and then continued to bleed (off and on heavy/light) for 2 weeks after AF. Second month, I had a heavy period and then 2 more weeks of bleeding like before. 3 month (just 2 weeks ago), I got my period but it was 5 days of VERY light spotting and that was it! I'm glad it's starting to lighten. My friend has an IUD and has had it for almost 3 years now...after 6 months her periods were non-existent! But, she does get some spotting every 3-4 months, but no more true periods.
  23. Cynthia3200

    Cynthia3200 Well-Known Member

    I have Mirena. I had it put in 3.5 months ago. I wasn't cycling (I'm still b/f'ing) but the receptionist did ask me when my next period should arrive because they like to insert during your cycle.

    I've never pushed a baby out my vageeky and the insertion still didn't hurt much at all. I did cramp afterwards and started to spot. I actually cramped and spotted for a couple months. I was getting kind of aggravated by it. A few friends of mine that have it, told me to just wait 3-6 months and everything should go back to normal. it takes time for your body to get used to a foreign object.

    I have no "side effects" now. No period still, but I don't expect that until I'm done b/f'ing
  24. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    I have the copper IUD and I LOVE it! Insertion for me was very uncomfortable and I delivered c-section.
    I love not having all those hormones in my body anymore but my period is MUCH heavier.
  25. ErickaK

    ErickaK Well-Known Member

    I have the Mirena and yes it was put in during my cycle. You spot for about 6 weeks after but it's not too bad. I have skipped months and then gotten my cycle back and it's been light and just about 3 days if that. Takes a while for your body to adjust to the hormones of birth and then the IUD, but it's all good
  26. jkendall

    jkendall Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jentwinmom @ Aug 13 2008, 11:03 AM) [snapback]928069[/snapback]
    So, I wanted to get my tubed tied, but DH said no. He says if we win the lottery, we can afford another child. We don't buy lottery tickets. Go figure. Anyway, we agreed on Mirena IUD. So, today I called to make an appointment to get it done and the lady tells me it has to be put in during my cycle. What? I never read anything about that in the information they provided. I would have remembered that. I originally had an appt. to get this done in January and I was not even having cycles then. Anyone else with an IUD want to say if this is true?

    That is what my OB/Gyn had me do...he had me call him when I was on my cycle, and then I made an appointment to put it in
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