Biggest, happiest, best first birthday wishes!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MichelleL, Apr 30, 2008.

  1. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=14pt]:birthday: MAYA!! :birthday: NAOMI!![/SIZE]

    [SIZE=12pt]Before you leave us for the big world of the 1-4 year board - a few requests!![/SIZE]

    • Can you show us a before and after pic? (If you are a rewards member you can attach it otherwise you can provide a link).
    • Summarize your last year with your little loves!!
    • Tell us about your 1st birthday plans? Do you have a theme or something special you are going to do?
    [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]:sign0016: to the 1-4 board and please visit the First Year Often!![/SIZE]
  2. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    :birthday: MAYA!! :birthday: NAOMI!!
  3. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]Happy birthday Maya!!!

    Happy birthday Naomi!!!

    I hope you both have a wonderful day.

  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :birthday: Maya! :birthday: Naomi!
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    :birthday: Maya :birthday: Naomi. WTG Momma!!
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :birthday: :birthday: Maya & Naomi!!

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday Maya & Naomi. :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: What a good job you have done Momma.
  8. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday Girls! Can't wait to see some pictures!!
  9. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    :birthday: Kiddos!!
  10. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone! Thanks for the birthday wishes for my girls (and me!!). It is kinda a surreal thing - they are a year old, amazing!

    Our first year was crazy, as everyone's is, I'm sure. The girls were born in Okinawa, Japan on a cloudy Monday, spent about six hours in the NICU for transition, then roomed in with us for the two days we were in the hospital. Came home, dealt with weight loss issues and jaundice, finally got breastfeeding down. I had to go back to work (military) for six weeks after my maternity leave. Then, we moved to Virginia when they were three months old. Since then, I have become a SAHM - and after dealing with the issues of not "earning" money and not using my degree - I love it! The girls are doing great - babbling all the time, some mama and dada, almost walking (but not quite), sleeping MUCH better, and eating solid food like there is no tomorrow.

    Thank you to everyone here for their support and kind words. I wouldn't have made it (at least so sanely!) without you!

    Here's some pictures:

    Just Born
    Together now

    Thank you again! Erica.

    ETA: I forgot - we did their birthday celebration on Sunday - just one other family over for lunch, cupcakes, and ice cream. Simple and easy!
  11. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :birthday: Maya! :birthday: Naomi!

    Thank you for sharing the pictures! They are beautiful!
  12. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :banana: :banana:

    [SIZE=24pt]Happy 1st Birthday Maya & Naomi!![/SIZE]

    :a_smil09: :a_smil09: :a_smil09:
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :yahoo: :birthday: [SIZE=18pt]Happy First Birthday Maya & Naomi[/SIZE] :birthday: :yahoo:
  14. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I can't believe they are one!!!! Happy Birthday sweet girls!! Way to go on the BFing and congrats on making it through the first year. We will be joining you in 10 days!
  15. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday Maya and Happy Birthday Naomi. Congrats on making it through the first year.
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