Big Scare last night.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by stinabina, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. stinabina

    stinabina Well-Known Member

    My boys are very climby, so we often take the couch cushions off because i'm afraid they will fall off the couch. Last night they were playing on the couch with no cushions and Axel ran the length of the couch, bounced just so on a spring and FLEW over the arm of the couch. It was a real "olympic style" vault. His head skimmed the ground and landed completely on his back. (we have pergo, so it's not a hard hard surface)it was the scariest thing i've ever seen. we called pedi immediately. This was of course 15 minutes before bed. We kept him up for an hour, put them both down, but we had to wake him every 20 minutes, until midnight and then every hour after that.

    it was a LONG night.

    he seemed fine, but it was so scary.

    We've learned our lesson.
  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad he's ok. I bet that is a scary site. Sofia fell of the couch because she was leaning over the arm. She probably fell less than a foot but it scared me to death.
  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Glad he's okay! That would be scary!
  4. kerilynh

    kerilynh Well-Known Member

    I know that feeling. The boys use the Doggy steps to climb on the couch. They know how to get down safely when they WANT down. BUT when the are running back and forth or not paying attention, they will take a head dive right onto the floor. Now our floor is carpeted but underneath is cement. Unfortunatly this is a daily thing for me but after dakota falling head first straight down out of the shopping cart, I will take the dives off the couch anyday. Sometimes THEY actually think it is funny. My little daredevils! Good luck, and I am so glad everything was ok. I used to put the couch cushions on the floor too for protection, but we got a new couch and the cushions don't come off. And I think they forget that sometimes.

  5. mom i am

    mom i am Well-Known Member

    I am glad he is OK! I have witnessed lots of scary accidents that could have turned out so much worse, it is amazing how resilient they can be. [​IMG] I know it is not fun for us though. Hope you got a good night sleep last night. [​IMG]
  6. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    How scary. [​IMG] But it sounds like he is a trooper and will be fine.
  7. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    so sorry for the scare!!!

    I am glad your little gymnast is okay!
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